1. F.R.A.P.
Frenetic Random Activity Pattern. A behavior often exhibited by puppies or young dogs wherein the animal, without an apparent reason, suddenly runs at high speed, frantically darting in multiple directions then racing to a sudden stop. These episodes generally last 60-90 seconds at most. In general the puppy will appear very pleased with itself. May happen indoors or out.
(Definiton thanks to the urban dictionary) Pretty funny!
I don't think I have ever seen my dog do this but it could be because he is 9. Thanks for the definition. Guess it is because I've become a "country" girl and am not urban anymore (not) that I didn't know. LOL
I've always called referred to this as my dogs "taking/doing their laps", as they have a tendency to do it indoors and run around the room in a big circle, kind of like a lap on a track?
Our puppy does it that way too! He tries to involve the older dogs, but they want nothing to do with it! Sidney loves the corgi meet-ups because a huge herd of corgis will frap in unison; it is a sight to behold!