Sooo, I posted about poor Layla's problem with getting poop caught in her butt fur. I got her a nice trim in the butt area, and that has helped a lot with the problem, but the more I've paid attention to it, the more I realize that her soft stools are the real problem. I gave her a bath tonight, and she still had chunks of poop stuck around her butt. Icky. I know this can be because of food. It's about time to buy a new bag anyway. I have been feeding them Taste of the Wild - the Wild Fowl flavor. They both like it, but they both eat out of each other's bowls so if I'm going to change Layla's food I've got to change it for both.
Anyway, I'm trying to find out if anyone can recommend a food that may help to firm up her poop? Or other methods of firming we should try? I appreciate it.

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I think you should try pumpkin too; it works for my dogs as well. Also get some pet wipes and keep them on hand for after potty time. When my Romeo had pancreatitis 2 months ago he had terrible diarrhea and the wipes helped to keep his bottom clean (he was so sick and his tummy was so sore that a bath was out of the question.)


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