These look really cool and simple.
Anyone use them? Where do you buy them? I don't see any of them in pet stores, why? Are they good for training? Are there different types?

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A what???
Oh yeah... I've seen that but a different material. I think I've been it on Animal Planet... the animal cop show... Or maybe it was the Dog Whisperer... Never used one though.
That's a "rolled slip collar".

They are good for well trained dogs who doesn't pull on the leash, not so food for youngsters. Due to it's design it will choke a hyperactive pup, but a calm adult dog will do just fine.

Another advantage of the rolled collar is that it blends into the fur well, so it won't create an imprint when you take it off.

The disadvantage of the rolled collar is it is made out of leather or faux leather, the faux leather don't last long and the real leather will fray due to the weather and daily wear and tear, so it's important to check the condition and change it before it breaks.

I have seen them at Target, AKC and Boots and Barkley are some of the brands that makes the rolled collar.

I personally like the rolled collar and would like to get one for my dogs for some "classy" occasion say when meeting the queen of England :)
Hmm, I was actually wanting the sort that's made out of braided leather or nylon. Or there's ones that have a little pull thing so it's the right side? I don't know what they're called...
Wow, thats pretty cool. I like the idea and especially ease of dressing the dog with. I bet my little mutt would choke himself silly on it though.
I have a few slip leads but wouldnt recommend them for an untrained dog. They are popular amongst agility folks who wish to take a their "gear" off quickly before a run. Some have "stops" on them so they will not loosen, others dont. They are not great for a learning dog as they continue to tighten if the dog is pulling. Useful but not as the primary collar and lead.


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