Tigger chews his two middle toe nails on each front paw. I am not sure how to make it stop or even if I can. He doesn't do it when I am around, but I've noticed that they are significantly shorter and rough edged.

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I noticed that Tuckers middle two nails wear down faster than the rest of his nails.  I was wondering if it was anything to worry about?

John, I eventually figured out that Tigger also drags his front paws...he's built a little down hill. ;-) You can also hear him walking if he's on the pavement...it sounds like he's wearing slippers.

From what I've been able to learn, I should worry if/when hind paw nails start wearing down because it is a sign that he's back legs are dragging.

I looked at his photos, he seems to have the same big round paws like Tigger (better to grab onto that rawhide!) Does he make a noice like he's wearing slippers when he walks on concrete? His front legs may be a little shorter than his back legs (downhill). Just like Tigger! It doesn't seem to bother Tigs at all.

Penny has just started chewing on her nails...she chews on the front ones...it's a very irrritating sound...I'm glad she's not the only one though!


Frosty likes to chew on his back nails... of course they don't usually cooperate and hold still for him like he wants.  Then he gets mad and attacks them.  Here is video lol - http://www.mycorgi.com/video/attack-of-the-feet


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