What does your corgi get his/her mouth on that they shouldn't??

Is there something that your corgi constantly goes after that they REALLY shouldn't?? Blaze will grab WHATEVER just so I will chase him to get it back, until I learned to just act bored and play with one of HIS toys until he drops the pen, shoe, hammer, whatever. . .but Blaze seems to have a severe weakness for BRAS and dryer sheets (he loves to shred both). He will actually stick his head in the dryer to steal the dryer sheet. I suppose I should start listening to my boyfriend and put these things out of Blaze's reach. . .:)

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Ofelia loves deer poop! :-( Gladly I've been able to catch her before she gobbles down too much. I always get nervous when the vet does a stool sample. She's been okay so far.

She also loves cardboard and blankets - but only her blankets. She's a good girl :-)
Let's see...Flash is obsessed with toilet paper (he's unraveled the whole roll), kleenex, paper towels, pens, and yarn - he's such a little thief! He's very stealthy when it comes to grabbing whatever he wants.
Vector absolutely loves socks and rolls of toilet paper. He has a sock that belongs to him now and it is his favorite toy. He does like to raid the laundry basket when available, but will give up any item that he has taken illicitly. He also loves to tear up toilet paper rolls in the master bathroom - they are safe elsewhere in the house. So far in two months he has gone through six rolls because I keep forgetting to put them out of reach. Outside he enjoys bugs, potting soil, sticks, leaves, small stones...everything you try not to have him eat...

When we were initially shutting him in the master bath when we left for work, he would stealthily "rescue" any items such as socks or towels that were on the floor - to make sure they didn't get locked up. It stopped as soon as we started leaving him in a bigger space.
Basil goes after shoes, feet and pants legs. I think he might have a foot thing.
Acorns, and worm jerky.
Ein goes after his sister, who's a cat, undergarments, and feet. He's an obsessive compulsive feet licker.
Now Chloe has a thing for toilet paper/rolls! She has figured out how to roll it off the stand. She first bites at it to make it come down, then scrathes her paw at it to pull it down more.
I hate to say it, but Cricket is on a poop seek and eat mission EVERY time she goes outside. We clean up the yard every chance we can, but if we take her out in the middle of the night and she poops, the next morning, she knows exactly where it is and takes a bite. GROSS! We're trying to dissuade her, but she's not getting the message yet. Other than that it's sticks. She'll carry them around on our walks. If she drops one, she picks up the next one that comes along and carries that one!
It started with my slippers. Petey would runs upstairs without me noticing and then I would find one in his kennel downstairs. Then it was my socks. He has graduated to my boyfriends socks, sneakers, flip-flops, baseball caps...etc. Anything on the floor. If we put it on the desk, he will grab it if its too close to the edge. It's annoying but really funny watching him run by with a big shoe hanging out of his mouth. He doesn't chew them. He just likes to collect them. He also steals my other dogs toys and chew sticks and hooves although they get the same thing at the same time. He waits until they walk away and then swoops in. I regularly pull out about a half a dozen assorted items he has hidden in the back of his kennel. Oh yes. Food too. He won't the food in his bowl. He waits until the other dog stops eating walks away and then eats their food. He's such a weirdo but I love him.
the couch, my hand, socks, shoes, the coffee table, any piece of paper, baseboards, any little thing that is on the ground outside, paper towels, poo, bed sheets, rugs, tile, rain water on the driveway, bird poop, pant legs, buttons, shirt sleeves....basically everything. I'll be glad when the teething stage is over!
Milly is actually not as enthusiastic as some of the posts here:) When she was a puppy she used to chew up paper towels or kleenex if we left them in her reach. Once when we went out and she had too much energy she chewed into a billion pieces cork coasters that were under the table. We were finding pieces everywhere for days! And once the edges of a wicker basket that was full of library books. Didn't touch the books, she probably knows that would be docked from my pay and that would mean no toys, lol. She does love to destroy her stuffed animals though, first the eyes and nose and then all of the stuffing. When she does that and we say "Milly" in that tone, she looks at us like WHAT? and then starts licking her paws as though she was doing that all along:) O, all these silly corgis:) One thing I am really happy about is that in three years she has shown no interest in poop! She smells her own sometimes and then looks up at me with a disgusted look like who did THAT!
Franklin eats rocks!! He has swallowed a total of 19 now! He usually pukes them up or the vet makes him puke them up. The rock last week cost me $2000!! He also likes to pick up clothes or sandals when he is running crazy around the house and he likes pillows too.


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