Today as we were heading out for a walk, SIdney, in all his youthful exuberance, veered to far to his left and ended up in a rosebush. He came out of it with the tip of his ear bleeding. My daughter took him inside to clean him up ("uh, Mom? Why are you taking me inside, mom? We are supposed to be going OUT. For a WALK. Uh, Mom???). He did not seem to be bothered by it and the bleeding stopped pretty quickly. You can see a cut about 1/2 inch long and some missing fur. My question is, do we just leave it be, or is there something we should put on it?

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I believe you could put neosporin on it.
OUCH! Yup, clean the area up and put some neosporin should do it, avoid getting wet.
Thank you for the tips! Sidney is telling the other dogs he got in a fight with a Doberman and won. ;-)
Neosporin is a good suggestion. Rose thorn scratches have a tendancy to infect easily. I suggest that you keep on hand Betadine--you can get it in the pharmacy sectionof most any store like target or Walmart or the vet section at a farm and ranch store. Same stuff you can spend less and get more if you get the it at a farm and ranch store. It is a great way to clean and disinfect woulds. We always have it on hand for the horses, but use it as much on us and the dogs as anything. Living on a farm someone always has a scratch from something!
We found this in a cute little $1.95 sample size, great to carry in a pocket or purse:

Product Description
Complete first-aid kit in a jar For Dogs, Cats, Birds, Rabbits, Ferrets, Gerbils, Hamsters, Snakes, Iguanas, Lizards, Monkeys, Horses, Pigs, and anyone else with skin!

A topical ointment used for any problem skin condition

Instantly soothing, lick proof and penetrates instantly; anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

Literally heals cuts, wounds, abrasions, and scabby areas overnight

Description This soothing, all purpose ointment is effective on all skin conditions, rashes, insect bites, cuts, and abrasions. Provides lasting coverage and a protective barrier against infections. Contains Calendula, Vitamins A, D & E, Tea-Tree Oil, Aloe, Comfrey & Myrrh. Works great on all your angels!

Directions Apply directly to affected area once or twice daily.

Recommended Dosage Use liberally.

Ingredients Vegetable Oils (Soy Oil, Almond Oil, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil), Beeswax, Squalene, Carnuba (Palm) Wax, Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene) - 5,000 iu, Vitamin D - 600 iu, Vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol) - 5,000 iu, Calendula (Marigold), Aloe, Comfrey, Tea-Tree Oil, Myrrh Gum Oil, Lavender Oil.



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