Eero is going on 4 months now, and I'd like to think he's reasonably housetrained. His last accident was about a month ago and he will bark to be let outside. However, I've noticed wetness in his crate -- pee! I've washed his towels (what he sleeps on in his crate) and it seems like immediately after replacing it in his crate, he will pee on it within a few hours. Is this marking or has he started associating his crate towels as peeing areas? I know dogs typically don't like to urinate/defecate in their place of slumber so I am confused.

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I belive you to be correct that dogs would rather not sleep in peepoop (my own word!), maybe he has too much space in his crate? As we understand it a crate should be just big enough to lie down and sleep comfortably, as well as turn around inside. Whatever the reason im sure the folks here will get you to the bottom of it. (no pun intended :))
Dax was pretty much the same way until about month ago, every morning I would have to clean his crate, and every day when I got home from work I'd have to do it again. Then one day I came home and his crate was completely dry. Nothing. And ever since then (and he's only 5ish months) I haven't had to clean up anything in his crate. He holds it all night until i get up and all day while I'm at work. But i never put towels or anything in there for him to sleep on until he stopped, otherwise he would just pee on them. He would still have accidents in the house sometimes but so far we've been accident free for almost a month, which is reeeally exciting for me because I dont have to clean it up! Heh. I guess what I'm saying is just give him time and I'd leave the towels out for now, that will probably help.


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