My three corgis have this amazing ability to chew up just about every toy we give them in a matter of a day or so, Yes we have some Kongs they kinda last a little longer. Let me know if you have any suggestions on some really tough chew toys.

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Have you looked up Tuffies? Here is their website:

You can find some of them at Pet Smart, but I suggest you go to Ebay and shop there. You can usually find them cheaper on there.

They are very durable. It's one of the plushes that Duncan has gutted yet.
Busy Budy toys have lasted in our house and Lance is a very hard chewer as well. We have found that either we buy him a ball from or the busy buddies! They have a new one out that is like a disc that you twist open and put treats into it. The busy buddy Lance has is shaped like a barbell and on each end you put treats in there. Hasnt destroyed it yet and have had it for quite some time now. I found the busy buddies at Target not sure if you have a Target where you are. Highly reccomend the busy buddy toys or toys they are rated according to chew strength! We get 5 out of 5.....nothing but the toughest! Oh yeah I tried the toys that are made out of fire hose that are suppose to be really durable as well, it did hold up longer than most stuffed toys but within a few days I had to take it away before he really did anymore damage. Sorry for the long post....Good Luck, hope this helps.

P.S. Lances favorite toy from planetdog is a football, we have to take the white strings off the football but other than that it is unchewable, they can squeeze it in their mouth but cannot chew it, same thing with the baseball. I believe the toys have a minty smell to them that the dogs love as well.
We love the Planetdogs toys, they really seem to last especially the ones rated 5 out of 5 chewometer, have tried the dice but no dice! which was 4
out of 5 chewometers!
PlanetDog toys are great, we have quite a few and they seem to hold up better then most.
Love Planet Dog! The rubber bones are super durable and they rate the durability of all their toys which is helpful. Also our Marley loves her Nylabones.
I have found tennis balls last longer than any "dog" toy in our house. Although, my sheltie pup does de-fuss them if they are brand new. Charlie, our corgi, is afraid of any toy that squeaks. It seems almost every toy I find in the stores makes noise and back we go to the can of tennis balls.
Latex toys seem to last the longest for us. We have a "rubber" chicken (made of latex) from Target and it has survived--squeeker in tact for almost six months. I just bought another, smaller latex chicken at the dog show and it looks like it will last as well. This says a lot when you look in their toy basket and, except for the chickens, it is all toy carcasses in various stages of Corgi demolition! Even the bouda ball is in pieces.
Ive started using old shirts and throwaways for soft tug toys instead of buying cute animal looking stuffed animals that im sure dogs really don't care about. I think co. do it for us more then them LOL.

Besides what others have said trial and error for every dog I've found happens... everyone had their own chew levels.
My dog's favorite durable toys are:

1) A tennis ball, which is great because they're easy to replace since they're cheap. He likes another similarly sized ball that's plastic with a hole in it allowing it to be squeezed and returned to its original shape.

2) Pet Stages Orca Gripper -
Even though the one Amazon reviewer said it got chewed up in just a few minutes, the rubber/plastic is more than durable enough to withstand a Corgi or at least mine. Just about everything else, he can destroy pretty quick. This toy has these rope-like things that go through it. Mac took those apart over time but not the blue rubbery part. I want to see if I can find a safe rope to replace the cloth rope parts that wore out. He still loves to chew it without those parts though. What's great about it is that it's hard enough that he can't tear it a part but soft enough that he enjoys biting it.

3) ToyShoppe Dog-Shaped Rubber Toy -
This one is very durable I think but my dog doesn't try chewing it that much so I can't tell for sure. What he likes about this toy is the loud squeaker in it. He'll grab it with his teeth and squeeze and release repeatedly. Other plush toys have squeakers but they don't last long. This one is so loud though that sometimes I deny him the fun of playing with it. lol.

Any toy made of fabric or fibers of some sort like rope - Mac tears apart. Even the really rugged fabric toys such as the one made out of sections of old fire hoses, which have an outer lining made of some sort of synthetic fabric, aren't safe in the mouth of Mac. I still offer them though since he needs a variety of toys. I try to repair them once they get a little frayed because he'll pick at the same spot as if he sees a weakness and the toy will be in ruins. lol.
dog toys....this is one of the factors that will lead to my financial downfall. laying $20 out for a toy that may or may not be destroyed/gutted/shredded/insert your own word, makes almost no sense. bunni likes 3 types of toys, toys she can "unknot/de-stuff", noise makers (squeak squeak!), and toys that give treats. that's the trifecta of dog toys.

i guess after a while (and a few paychecks) get a knack for going down the dog toy aisle, feeling the rubber/plastic toys and estimating how long it would take for your dog to annihilate it. bunni is a destroyer...the challenge was finding a toy that would test her wits, endurance, and teeth.

apologies in advance for being too lazy to provide is your friend.

there's a great site i came across where a lady tests different toys with her boston terriers

I strongly recommend the pet stages blue rubber rubbery smell and almost indestructible...bunni loves the "jack". i've bought at least 5 of these bad boys so far, only one has been damaged.

the good cuz bad cuz line of dog toys...yes, the limbs of these toys will be the first to go. i also suggest stuffing a tiny bit of wet tissue in the squeaky part to reduce the annoyance factor.

Everlasting fun this really surprised me. there are treats made specifically for these toys, but you can stuff literally any treat in there. it's lasted up until now with no scratch or rubber scent. a great product indeed.

braided's great until your corgi decides to eat it when you're not'll be amusing to see your corgi trying to get away from the poop that doesn't want to release from it's anus. it's amusing until you're the one who has to pull the poopy-rope strings from the butt. good times.

giant un-deflatable ball....2 words: corgi soccer

kongs are good, but i just don't dig the rubber smell

cheap toys are plastic water bottles and gatorade bottles which are a little tougher.

good luck


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