apparently he is having liver problems and he is peeing constantly and drink a ton as well.
he seems to be the same dog you know still playing, barking, and taking treats.
but the vet said the meds he gave us may not make him better.
I'm totally torn up about this, thinking that there might be something seriously wrong with my dog.

please any advice is appreciated

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Awww. :(

Did the vet say what might have caused it? Perhaps you might need a second opinion.

What does he eat? Could he have gotten into something toxic?

I think there are supplements to help the liver recover and help liver function but I don't know much about them.
Any liver issues can be serious. There is some help in a natural product, milk thistle. It's been used by people and canines alike.

What is the cause of the problem. Generally liver issues come from something toxic or poisonous. Did Hunter get into something? If you're unhappy with what the vet did for you, please contact another vet that might be referred by a friend or breeder.
Hi Liz, you may want to get a second opinion, like Sylvia said "milk thistle" is excellent for liver problems, consult with your vet and see what else he recommend, keep us updated!
Liz, messed up liver readings can be an indication of serious problems. We lost our beloved sheltie last fall due to cushings disease. It usually does not manifest symptoms until middle age but can happen at any age. We first noticed constant thirst and increased urination. There are two types of cushings - one type can be treated with medication. Our precious Casey had the type that could not. I don't want to scare you, but I would not let this go. Don't let your vet tell you your baby is too young. I would find out exactly what is causing his messed up liver readings. Hopefully, it will be something that can be easily managed. Good luck, Charlie sends corgi kisses your way! (increased thirst and urination can also be an indication of diabetes)
Did the vet test for liver problems or did he just make an assumption based on symptoms? I would look for a second opinion. There are a variety of things that could be the cause and many can be treated. What medication did the vet give you? A toxicology screen sounds like an important step. Good luck to you. We will keep thinking healing thoughts.
This is terrible for you and you adorable dog! Please, please get a second opinion and if you are in an area where there is only one vet, go back to him/her. Can you ask him/her for more details about your dog's condition and why he gave you or rather the dog the particular meds. I can just imagine how you must feel right now.
Good luck!!!
Oh dear, Liz...
I see he's only three, too.
My Bruce was just diagnosed as being in early stage kidney failure. It is terribly hard, I know. I've cried many tears over this.

The best things you can do are
(1) educate yourself. Research all you can about what they say he has, and things you can do to help him. There may be supplements or special diets that may help. And doing all you can will help YOU feel better.
(2) Love, love, love him! Just enjoy every precious moment, and try not to cry too much (save it for the shower) in front of him, because they sure know when we're hurting.

Please keep us posted. Best thoughts and healing prayers to you and him.

Sidney says "tell your mama not to worry..we'll all be OK"


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