Since earlier today, I've noticed that Dax has a yellowish green (mostly green) discharge coming from one of his eyes. I always keep his eyes clean, its one of my pet peeves. I hate seeing dogs with crusty dirty eyes or the lines it makes on their faces when you dont clean it. Anyway, I keep cleaning his eyes (I'm using a wet washcloth to clean them) and it keeps coming back. I read up on it and ive decided it might be an infection or allergies, but I was hoping I could get some input from you guys...any ideas what the problem might be? Some articles said to wash their eyes with saline solution but I'm really weird about stuff like that until I talk to the vet and see if its safe, I'm so paranoid with him. I'm also wondering if its something I might need to bring him to the vet for? I'll call them in the morning but in the meantime any help would be appreciated.

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Pan has had problems with her eyes. Our vet said that it is probably just allergies and to buy some eye drops. I bought some natural tears to rinse out her eyes. It usually goes away after a couple of days.

I would make a vet appointment to check Dax's eyes. The vet should be able to tell you what to do.
Is it runny or more solid? Sidney had a couple weeks over this summer with some "goopy" yellow/green discharge from his eyes. He was allergic to something, but he's fine now! This topic came up earlier, and somebody said you can give them Benadryl, but definitely make sure from the vet that it is allergies, and also how much med to give.


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