Does anyone have trouble with their corgi barking at anything? Pistol seems to bark at nothing and he won't shush. Really frustrating when trying to get baby to sleep, or she is asleep. He's over a year old now, thought it may have been a puppy thing. He'll go nuts when the doorbell rings, totally understandable...but other times he just barks at nothing and I can't get him quiet... any ideas??

thanks! ~carrie

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My corgi Jersey just loves to bark about EVERYTHING! leaves moving, grass growing, i wouldnt put it past her if she barked at drying paint.

She is about 3 years old and we just recently got a new dog appropriately named philly. Philly is a great mannered corgi mix and I just love her!

Jersey...ive tried everything on her...the ignore method, fail, water bottle, fail, shock collar...(philly chews it off of her, i think they conspire together) shes went thru 5 of them. Weve tried punishment, solitary confinement, treats, just about everything a person can try and she STILL yaps like crazy.

I'm actually at the point where i want to just send her away and enjoy just one dog, but i really dont wanna do that...dang corgis are stubborn!
HI Carrie...just the very same problem with our Leo. He is just over a year old & his 1 of 2 issues he carries around is barking... ( the other one is pee-marking outdoors)... at a fly as he hears it. We are considering professional training for him just to give us an idea how to handle it.
Let me know if you get any suggestions or advice.
Good luck!


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