Yogi is shedding like crazy. It got worse late Aug to present. We just touch him or he shakes and theres fur all over.
We got the furminator but I'm not sure I'm using it right.
It seems to be taking lots of the fur off, but the fur never seems to reduce in quantity. It's like if I keep going at it seems like he'll be bald by the time I'm done. Is this how it works? Or must you start seeing less fur overtime? It's scary to use.
He's 6months and the vet said he's in the process of losing his puppy fur. The shedding's a bit annoying esp when he has to go in my car or when he rubs again my black pants b4 work lol
Any suggestions on how to use the furminator ? I'm about to buy Shed Stop, any thoughts ?

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Furminator and a Dyson......a corgi owner's best friends! I should brush Duncan and Chloe more than I have lately, but my mom has been ill for a couple of months; and I've been busy with her. But, I usually brush them in the backyard because of the hair that comes off of them with the Furminator. As for the sweeper, I just dragged a trash can behind me while I sweep so I can empty the cup easier...LOL!

I use to get Shed Stop, but the formula has been changed, and I swear the last bottle started to get moldy before I was completely through with it. ( I was buying it in the gallon bottle, more cost effective.) It does help quite a bit with the shedding.


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