Boomer is almost 8 months old and although she has been to obedient school and is working with an in home trainer.. she is still such a handful! She was doing great in housebreaking and within the last few weeks has taken a huge step backwards. Also, we can hardley ever just sit and relax because we cannot take our eye off her for 1 minute. The trainor has suggested we keep her on a long leash in the house so we can keep her near us and control her and also because when it is time to put her in the crate or take her outside, she will not come and we cannot catch her. We also have cats that she is obsessed with and will not leave alone. We have been doing the corrections that the trainor has showed us and they work at first, but eventually she seems to almost be immune to them and does not listen at all. Am I crazy? Do corgis grow out of this? Any advice at all would be helpful. Thanks in advance

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I like the backpack idea. I'm gonna try that thanks. We do play fetch outside when the weather is nice and she loves that. She also loves catching the frisbee and I'm surprised at how good she is at it.
haha, you're lucky! for some reason bear can play fetch for HOURS but has never quite grasp the concept of a frisbee. its one of those ""why is this thing getting bigger?" and then it hits me" sort of things.

but yeah we love the backpack, he always gets so excited when i go to put it on him. he's so proud of himself, lol!
If your dog likes to eat out of the cat litter box, then I think we have identical twin dogs.. lol Boomer does all the things that your dog does too. Because of her housebreaking problem, about 2 weeks ago I started crate training all over again, from square one.. like she was a baby. It does seem to be working because she's only had one accident since I started. I hope she does not have anymore setbacks.
mine loves poo too. :/
Female dogs, in general, love eating poop.

The reason is because when they have puppies, they eat the puppy's poop while cleaning them up.
So, they just think they're doing their job :] (Not that it makes it any less frustrating. Emma eats the cat poop too.)

If you have a male dog.. he must just love poop.
To be quite honest it sounds like some of the stuff you are dealing with is just regular good ol' puppy behavior, even at 8 months old. The biggest thing is to be firm constantly. Don't say no one day and yes the next with her behavior as it will confuse her and mute any actual corrections you might be trying. With the cats I have a malamute/Shepherd mix named Asher and he's actually afraid of the cat since the cat beat him up from day one. So I haven't yet had to deal with the cat problem that you seem to be having. But puppies are really energetic and you might consider tuckering her out so you can then get a moments piece and quiet on the couch ^^.
Never owned a puppy, but sounds like it is to be expected that they'll act crazy for the first year.
hey there, i'm sorry you're having such a hard time with your baby. corgis are some of the smartest yet most headstrong dogs you'll ever meet....

i have two words :cesar millan. the man is a genius and has saved my home, my furniture, my social life, and my cats. and he's not nice about it either lol. he basically says you're the human. you're the pack leader. a dog is a dog, would you let your child get away with such offensive things? my favorite quote of his is "you are like a mirror to your dog. the energy that you project is the energy your dog will have". calm assertive.... check it out, he has a show on national geographic channel and my DVR is running out of space lol! (and i'm not trying to sound mean at all.... its just that this guy has the right idea and my little bear would be an unmitigated shit without me taking his advice, haha! ).

bear used to try and KILL my cats. not just bug. not just annoy... i mean eat for lunch, evolutionary chain of snacks sort of thing. we're talking yes i'd like the cat with a side order of steak fries. *shudder*. i just don't let him anymore. now vlad (cat) sleeps on bear and they get along perfectly. i just put my foot down, no worries about what will happen, no question asked. he'll pick up on it, you just have to trust yourself to know that you can make your dog stop. (take it from me-- it was either my 8 year old cat or my 1 year old corgi after MONTHS of agony).

like millan says.... be the pack leader. stay calm and assertive around him. you own your dog. he doesn't own you. (sometimes i wonder though, lol!!!)
I have watched the show and he is great! I also watch It's Me or the Dog too. I'm glad your cat and dog get along now too. That gives me hope.. thanks. :)
oh i love "it's me or the dog". that chick kind of gets on my nerves but hey, it works. she's got the right idea. she's got the pack leader mentality. i'm actually watching some of her stuff to learn how to get bear to walk around without a leash.
so, how did it stop? My puppy is 5 month old. He is pretty obedient so far, except for the part of chasing a cat. I spray him with a spray bottle, and always say "off", and he stops for a minute or so. But as soon as cat starts walking around, the chase starts again.
Isn't it funny? My dog acts like she has never seen a cat before in her life and she has been around them since she was very little. I know she just wants to play and sometimes I feel bad because she doesn't have anyone to really play with. I am even considering getting her a canine companion, however with the difficulty I am having training her, I am afraid another dog might cause me to pull all of my hair out. lol


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