... any suggestions on technique and product? I have mostly used a groomer but with a dog as small as a corgi I thought I should be able to do it on my own. And with what Madog loves rolling in I will have to do it often. Nasty little boy.

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My daughter bathes Sidney in her shower (She puts on a swimsuit and gets in with him), using a handheld shower head..

We like to use:
Earthbath Tea Tree Oil & Aloe Vera Totally Natural Pet Shampoo
16 oz. - Tea Tree Oil & Aloe Vera

Earthbath Totally Natural Pet Shampoos

* Totally natural, 100% biodegradable and gentle
* Free of toxins, phosphates and enzymes
* Animal cruelty free
* Offered in a variety of styles to fit every need--from extra conditioning, dry, itchy skin relief to hypo-allergenic fragrance free formulas

This shampoo makes him smell so good and his fur so silky and soft.
We bought it at a local pet/feed store, but I believe the big chain stores sell it too.
Thank you ladies. I went to Petco and got the EarthBath for Puppies. And I got the between bath stuff also. I want a good smelling dog crapping in the conference room at work. :)

I read online to use a tub mat so that they have traction. So I picked up one of them.

I thought I would take him down to the boat launch so he could play in the water some for practice. He took a ducking in a friend's fish pond and it didn't faze him. So I have high hopes for him and bath time.

One good thing is Madog loves being dried off. He will head to the bathroom if he is wet after a walk and want his trying time. Which quickly will spiral down int a game of doggie towel bondage that leaves him all bundled up on the floor unable to see anything.

Wish me luck. Sometime in the next 24 hours we will have a clean doggie.
We still haven't had a first bath. I am scared!! :)
Madog, let us know how it worked :) photos would help too :)

Also... what respectable "all" thinks about Trader Joe Tea Tree Oil Shampoo (for people?) Can I use it for a dog?
Oh sure you are going to make me go first. Thanks a bunch. :P
Make sure you try to make the bath a fun event. If you are nervous, your dog will sense it. Maybe a couple days before his first bath you have him play in the bath tub and give him lots of treats.
Good plan. I think I will do that tonight and bath him tomorrow.

I also read to use a washcloth on his head so not to get to much water in the ears.

It's going to be the best darn bath any dog has ever had. Fun, fun, fun.
First three minutes of cuddling in the tub was a success. I gave him the cardboard tube that was in the tub mat. That went over big.


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