Today i dropped off Miss Bindi to get spayed. I know its for the best, but i feel so guilty about it! We miss her already!

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Will Miss Bindi be home tonight or will she be staying at the Vet's overnight?

Most dogs are up and alert shortly after surgery, and after resting quietly for a day or two, most are back to their "normal" self. It is very important to restrict activity in those dogs who are very active because too much activity can actually delay healing.

Keep us update on Miss Bindi! We'll be thinking of her :)
Shes staying the night, she'll be coming home tomorrow afternoon. It will be a challenge keeping her still, but we'll be home with her and she will be one spoiled baby! :)
Awwww I know you'll take good care of her :)

Keep watch, if you got a fusser (Roxi was one) its hard to keep these little dogs away from figuring out how to get at their stitches :/ The cone is nothing when they figure out they can use their hind legs lol!

Your vet will probably advise to keep Miss Bindi's stitches in for at least 2 weeks. Longer is okay but not shorter. Running inside the house may probably be okay just when you take her outside to do her business keep her on a leash. Even if you have a fenced in yard. Too much running and stretching of the abdominal area could cause the area to swell. Don't let her tend too much to her stitches. Some licking is okay and her incision will be a little red. If you start to see stitches missing, the incision opening, or puss at the site bring Miss Bindi back into the vet. No need to bring her to the emergency just bring her to your regular vet. But if you can keep her off the stitches, no licking or scratching, then things should be okay.

Most of the dogs that we've spayed seem to bounce back rather quickly. It's amazing how the next day they pretty much act as if they didn't just have major surgery. It took me 2 - 3 months before I could drive after my surgery.
ohhhhh something else.. watch for the turkey-doggin lay.... you know where they stick their back feet out. Means their bellies on the floor...
Roxi drags herself sometimes to be lazy just to grab a toy...

depending on what type of rugs you have, I'de just keep an eye on that. I know it irritated her stitches since our rugs are hard and scratchy :/
She actually ended up bing fine. She wanted to lick every once and a while but we kept a good eye on her and her scar healed wonderful. you can barley tell!
Cool! I'm glad that Miss Bindi healed so well.! :-)


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