Rylee got out today while my roomate was taking some things to her car. He wandered around the driveway for afew minutes but then when I called him to come back inside, he bolted and took me for a good half mile chase down the main street of my part of town and he nearly got hit by a few cars. He is usually very well behaved, besides the occasional FRAPing, and listens to every command, but for some reason he just would not stop for me. He also kept turning around and waiting for me to almost catch up as if it was a game for him. When I finally did catch up to him for good I couldnt even punish him because I was shaking (so much adrenaline). I know I probably shouldn't have run after him because it fed in to his game, but he was running in a street with cars and I just acted on instinct.
I self-trained him and he seemed to be doing perfect until todays episode and now Im considering getting him to a "professional" trainer to avoid this from happening again. Is it a good idea to spend the money on the training or is there something else I can do? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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My crazy dog does that. I am glad Rylee is ok!! I have had moments like that too. It is very scary.
Mandy got out of our yard yesterday...which is fenced in (She pushed the gate open), and she came to the front door and knocked.LOL!! I have quit chasing her, she thinks that is the best thing in the world.
I'm glad you were able to catch Rylee. Moira did the same thing the first day we had her. She ran across our busy street and it was a good 1/2 mile before a kind guy in a jeep stopped and caught her for me. Of course, she weight about 48 lbs. then and carrying a 48 lb corgi a 1/2 mile was no easy feat! And like you, I panicked when she ran into the street. But, if I would have stopped, knelt down or ran the other way, I might have stopped her from running so long. Glad you got Rylee back!!


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