Has anyone introduced their dog to another much smaller housemate? Can you give me any tips?
My corgi is 5 months old, I have had him since he was 13 weeks old. I also have a pair of sugar gliders (pics attached) that live in a cage in the bedroom. I want to be able to let them out of the cage without locking him up in a different room. I have been bringing him up to the cage and having him smell them and have him smell their toys. Today I let them out of the cage while my fiancee kept him on the bed. We kept a distance of 1 foot away the whole time. He actually did better than I thought he would. He was more interested in the treats we gave him than the gliders. He just get a little excited and barked a couple of times. I am so scared to let him too close to them, the other dog tries to bite them.