Do you any know famous corgis owners? or featured in films, TV or media?
Let me get this list started :)

Jennifer Aniston and her Corgi mix "Norman"

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Kiefer Sutherland - AKA Jack Bauer - and his "Mr Peterson".
Oh, that is adorable. *sigh*
...YOINK!, and puppy....
Richard Petty, Ava Gardner, Greg Louganis and Diane Keaton all have Corgi's. I looked for pictures but couldnt find any.

Ava Gardner
OK, I was just watching "The Real Housewives of Orange County" (Yes, it is trash, reality TV). Anyway, the first home (Jo and Slade) had rescued a Pembroke Corgi. They showed a lot of shots of her. I think her name was "Katie". This was on the July 8th episode.
There is also a tri corgi in the movie " 23 " (with Jim Carey) It is the dog that runs up the stairs creepy like into a bedroom...
From the making of featurette on the Movie
Yes, it's a very cute Cardigan!
Selma Blair and her Corgi mix "Winky"
It looks like she is "Winking" :)
I just got home from seeing Selma in "Hellboy II". How great that she has a corgi mix! Does he have just one eye?
My corgis love spaghetti too...


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