Hi everyone, I'm new here and I have an important question. My husband and I have wanted a Corgi for about two years now, but the time has never been right. We are now fencing in our back yard and I'll be finishing school (Finally!) and we think the time has come to get a Corgi.
Now, we have two cats. They are both older than 8 years. We have had one for about 5 years of his life and he has never really been around dogs, to our knowledge. But he's an easy going, big fella (16lbs, big for a cat) and we're not that worried about him. Our other cat is a recent addition, we ended up adopting her from a family with THREE SHIH TSUs! The poor dear was pretty much constantly ganged up on and bullied by the dogs and as they had her FULLY declawed, she was unable to protect herself. As you might imagine, she is a bit skittish!
Do you have a cat with a corgi? How do the the two mix? We love our kitties, but I'm a dog person at heart and would love to add to our little family (we don't have kids, so we have furbabies). What do you all think?

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I have two cats. One is 6 and the other is 12. I have worked very hard to train my Corgi to leave them alone. She plays well with the younger cat but the older cat has low tolerance for her. I think it is completely up to you how they will get along. You can teach them to act exactly how you want them to. It just takes time and patience. Persistent and consistent!
i also just recently purchased a corgi after many years of wanting one. we also have two adult cats and your exact question has always been my concern. we also have pets, no children and love our pets as part of our family.
I have one 10yr old cat and one is 6 yr old. the 10yr old is really the boss of our house and after 5 months of living with the puppy has reached a semi-comfortable understanding with her. basically, he's in charge and she falls in line.
our 6 yr old has not adjusted as well. i think the problem lies in that her natural tendency, as a herding breed after all, is to chase. the cat runs when he sees her and she runs after him. i think she just wants to play but our cat finds this very upsetting. so, we try to keep them separated and insulate the cat from the puppy. it's sort of sad actually but i hope with time he'll learn to stand his ground. i really think that one good swat is all it would take.
in other words (and a very long answer to your question) i think it just depends on the cat. and good to keep in mind that corgis (or mine at least) will herd whatever is near, cats, people, birds, toys...... good luck. in retrospect, i have no regrets and cannot imagine our life without our Flora!

Tangent and Charlie

Lots of good advice here. As long as you introduce them very slowly (as posted earlier, initially separate them in different rooms but share towels or blankets for scent), supervise their initial visits, and don't leave them alone until the puppy learns that under no circumstance is he allowed to "chase the kitty", they will either peacefully tolerate each other, or they become close friends. I'd say the more careful you are with the introductions, the better chance you have of friendship, but the animals' unique personalities will rule.

I have 3 cats: 13 y/o Einstein (born to feral cats in my backyard); 4 y/o Tangent and Cosine (littermate brothers adopted from SPCA shelter at 6mnths). Tangent rules the roost, has no fear of Charlie. Tangent starts and stops the roughhousing with Charlie and sometimes they sleep together. Cosine is slowly warming up (after 4 months) and getting closer and closer to sitting in the same chair with Charlie. Cosine will now sit on the headrest of the chair while Charlie is on the seat. My "grandpa" cat Einstein will come in the same room, but doesn't really want to be friends. Corgi Charlie is expected to lie down and be calm when a cat enters the room. Mom (me) is expected to give Charlie a yummy treat for "down and calm". We're all well-trained (not to mention, color coordinated). LOL
I'm new to the site but I've not had any problems with the cats and my Corgi. When I brought Willie home at the end of October 2007, I had 3 Rescued Manx cats. Katie at 15, Rory at 7 and Cieran at 4. I travel to Southern California to visit my folks several times a year and I've always loaded the cats into the car for the 475 mile trip. My folks have dogs and when neighbors and friends with dogs come to visit the cats just ignore them. So I wasn't worried about Willie. He stuck his nose in Katie's face, one growl and a healthy swat and he leaves her alone. I don't think Rory even notices him and Cieran so wants to play but isn't sure about how. I just rescued my 4th Manx, Chloe, last Thursday she's 7months and I have some great pictures to be down loaded of her cleaning Willies ears last night. I woke up this morning with all 5 in bed with me (I need a bigger bed) The first couple of days Willie was in my home I set the boundaries, after 2 incidents of eating the cat food he does not go into the kitchen but waits at the door way. Same thing with the litter box. I will say tho' sometimes Katie just doesn't quite get herself completely into the box so if it's on the outside and I don't catch it...all bets are off


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