We've had Max about a month now. He's a little over 3 mo old. He is eating Iams puppy food. I put some wet puppy food in with it because of puppy teeth loss. He does eat crap out side, dry weeds, rabbit poop etc. The problem is he has very loose stools. Not all the time. Yesterday was fine today it was fine this morning and now it very loose. I go to call the vet and before I do he's fine again. Any ideas?

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It's very, very common for puppies to have worms, and since Max is still so young, you might want to bring in a stool sample to your vet to have them test it for worms. You can also try giving him some boiled chicken/hamburger with rice, that might help bind him for a little bit, but I'd definitely speak with the vet. In addition, changing his food might help, there is a website that has been passed around this site pretty frequently, it's a dog food analysis website, and it helps compare all the best types of dog food out there. Kiwi eats any kind of rabbit/deer poop she can get her mouth on, and she also eats grass just because she likes it, if he's eating his own poop you might have some other issues to deal with there. Anyway, hope this helps a little. I remember how tough it was to gauge Kiwi's sickness when she was just a baby. Good luck, hope Max starts feeling better soon!
First, wet food in, wet food out. Between that and the Iams food, your dog's stools can be inconsisent. But...I would bet it's all the other "stuff" he's getting into. He will need to be monitored so he doesn't feast on crap outside. That can be difficult. You'll need to keep the area picked up of rabbit poop and such.
Cindi, I live in a rural area. on an acre. There are rabbits all over. Also quail, prairiedogs, hawks, eagles, owls and coyotes. I can not keep it clean. He is monitored but sometimes he gets to it before we see it. Under evergreen trees and bushes. Hard for us to get under those. He's shorter than we are. You must live in the city where you don't have these problems.
Yep, how'd you guess? That's got to be tough. There's no way you can keep the area clean!
No theres no way. We do our best but...........

PS Sorry if I sounded short. I didn't mean to.
So sorry Max is having tummy issues. My Charlie also has a sensitive tummy and I have discovered after years of vet trips, bloody mud butt and tons of baby wipes that he is allergic to the grain. I now feed him grain-free food and he rarely ever has loose stools anymore. He also eats strange things like rabbit poo, stray cat poo, grass, paper and just about anything he can get in his mouth before I can stop him. My vet never seemed too concerned about the strange animal poo he eats and said it is not unusual for them to eat it. I asked if he could catch a disease from it and he didn't seem too worried about anything except worms. (I am the one that discovered the grain allergy - my vet never even suggested it could be the cause of all the diarrhea)


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