How did you end up with a corgi? Tell us your story!

My wife and I were newly weds, we were not ready for babies so we decided to take on a puppy instead.

At that time in our life, we were living in a 2000 sqft condo, space was limited and so we knew we wanted something small to medium size. We have thought about other dog breeds like border collie, beagle & sheltie. We eliminated them because of the following reasons:

border collie - requires a lot of exercise and we were living in a condo.
beagle - the breed seems to be quite stubborn and can be a real howler.
sheltie - great size and very similar to corgi, but the hair can be a lot of work.

So why did we pick corgi? well, we read alot about the breed, it seems like corgis are very smart, motivated by food, loyal and good with kids. It fit right into our requirements.

So what else am I happy about my dogs? I like that they're not "common". I'm surprised that there are many people who don't know about them and constantly ask if they're pure bred :) I also like the fact that my dogs can handle themselves with the bigger dogs in the dog park. Corgis are very brave and have great stamina to run and herd cattles & sheeps for 45mins nonstop.

How about you? How did you end up with a corgi? why don't you share with us?

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It all started in a pet shop.
" I know you have the rent to pay and a car payment. Put the puppy down and step away."
This is what I was saying to myself but I never learn.
Well I did even left the store and went to work. It was my boss's fault. He said we were slow and I could have a few hours off.

I went back. And the rest is live with Corgis. 17 years of Corgi love. Scotch, then Andy( sable)and then Soda,
But , Scotch was my boy he was the ring dog in my wedding.
Andy and Soda went to great homes with kids and big yards.
We move to Texas with Scotch.
Scotch lived to be 11 1/2 years old. After he went I could not look at another red and white. My heart was broken.
We got 2 red headed tris Fearghus and Coleen.But they just did not fill the hole and we found them great home.

We move back to Iowa 2 years ago and the the red and white magic started again.
First Meave my Pem with a tail. Then Booty, my hyper girl.
This last fall we added Rhiannon. 4 weeks later we added her litter mate Branwyn. She is a sable.

If you have never had at least 2 corgis in the house you are missing the corgi races, the toys everywhere,the noise,the hair, and cat treeing. If fact you have not really lived.
Then If you are really crazy add 1-2 more.
We could not live with out our girls. We can't have kids and with these guy we don't need any.
We went to see Santa this year and got our picture taken. Something only people with kids do right? Well.......
Hi All! Well I have had corgi's in our family since I was a kid, my first corgi- Brody- My parents got him from a rescue down here in Southern CA. They decided on a corgi because they had a friend at the time that had a ranch and had a couple corgis and said they are extemeley smart and have the cutest personalities. Brody was one of the best dogs we'd ever had, Before him we had a Keeshond- Misty- She was a good girl too. When Brody unfortunatley passed in Early 2008, My Dad really wanted another corgi so they got Dozer, he's a red like Brody was. So, when my husband and I finally moved out of a small aprtment and got a house I knew I wanted a dog of our own, and it had to be a corgi =) Luckily shortly after that there was an ad in the paper for Corgi pups, we answered it and drove 30 mins out of town and picked up our little bundle of doggie joy- Yogi- A tri color male. I don't know how my husband and I spent our time before he came into our lives. Now our lives revolve around him hahaha and its never been better! Cute idea to post this Sam, I had fun replying! Merry Christmas!
My first grade daughter was asking for a puppy. Well we were down to one cocker and she was getting up there in age so we were kicking around the idea. My husband who was a tractor salesman at the time had a dealer who was a breeder of welsh corgis. I researched the breed and since I already wanted a herding breed decided this might be a great fit. Well, Around Thanksgiving he happened to have a litter on the way and we put a deposit on a female. That Christmas Santa wrote a note to my daughter telling her that he had a puppy reserved for her but that she wasn't quite ready to leave her mommy. Santa also left her a book about welsh corgis. By the time our little bundle of joy was ready to come home in early February, my first grader had memorized that entire book!! Little Aggie was the best dog ever! My daughter loved her so much. She died at age 5 from an autoimmune disorder that we could not get a handle on. In the short time that we were blessed to have her in our lives, she touched us so much.
We got Aggie's sister about 2 years after Aggie came to us. Dixie was also a blessing. She also died too young from diabetes. She was 9 years young.
I can not imaging my life without a corgi in it. I will forever be owned by a Corgi. My Cragar and Brody are the light of my life and I am so blessed to share it with them.
We were driving down to ride the dunes on the Oregon Coast and I saw a pair of short legged long backed dogs with big ears walking down a side walk as we were driving through one of the coastal towns. I thought wow!! what are those? and as soon as I got home started researching and found out they were corgis did more research, started talking to hubby and after a year of hearing 'No" brought home Jordan and when my Hubby first saw him I said "meet Jordan our new puppy" and smiled really big . So my two came about by a chance drive by sighting so many years ago.
If I said this before ignore me. My husband blue heeler had passed away last September and he was having a hard time dealing with the loss. He'd always wanted a corgi.We rarely see anything about corgis here. But here we are 5 at 1 time.We got Maxie after I got back from nebraska.About midway through December.We were erating dinner and Max wanted to play.We looked at each other and said playmate. So Molly is Maxs buddy I'd give anything for another. so if you hear about one cheap in southern Colorado let me know.
I have always known that I wanted a dog of my own, but I had to wait until after college and after we bought a house. My boyfriend had liked the dog from the show cowboy beebop so he looked up the breed. We started researching it while we were still in our apartment and sat on the idea for a while. The breed sounded like a great fit for us because of their energy level, intelligence, and enthusiasm, plus the ease of grooming and the size. We didn't want a dog we'd have to take the groomer all the time and we don't have a house big enough for a lab to run around! Plus they can't reach the food on the table :).
Oh and about them not being well-known.....I once had someone ask in all sincerity if Nibbler was "a fennec fox-weiner dog mix". Lol! We do have some people here who know what breed they are but if they do they squint at Nibbler and comment on the fact that she isn't fat.
I was never a dog person until I met my boyfriend a few years ago. I had a cat and I considered myself a "cat person" until I saw a picture of a corgi online. I thought it was the cutest thing I had ever seen and made it my mission to learn all about them. I promised myself I would get one as soon as I could possibly afford one.

I ended up moving to Dallas (from Chicago) with my boyfriend and was incredibly lonely and missed my friends. I wanted a dog to keep me company, but my boyfriend wanted to be sure we could afford one. At the time, we were thinking about buying one from a breeder, since shelters don't generally have purebred corgis (unless you get super lucky). One day, I found one online. A local shelter had a purebred female that would be available in a week. I called to ask about her and they said people would be lining up around 5am just for a chance to adopt her and she would go to the first person in line. I begged my boyfriend to take me to the shelter just to look at her and assess her temperament and I'm SO glad we did! She was food aggressive, snappy and not at all socialized. I ended up taking a look around at all the other dogs and found a big corgi (mix maybe? Just a weird corgi? who knows) curled up in a cage all alone. He looked so sad and when we came near him, he perked up and came over and licked us through the cage. One look in those eyes and I knew he was the dog for me. I took him home that night and we have been inseparable ever since. :)
I have always had a spitz dog, a Samoyed, an Akita and a Chow/Huskie mix. I really enjoy their personality and some of their quirkiness. So when I moved back to Taiwan, I still want a spitz dog but I live in an apartment not in a house. So, I looked around for a small spitz dog. Pomeranians are to yippy, Japanese spitz are too white, so there is only Corgi left. They have the quirkiness of the spitz dog with a whole lot more personality!
We very innocently went over to Carrie Hale's when she had a litter -- just to squeeze some puppy fur, y'know, just window shopping -- and when I picked up this one little guy, he looked me right in the eye and said, "Lissen, buddy, don' ask no questions, just take me home and nobody gets hurt, OK?" It was an offer we couldn't refuse.

I grew up with Standard Poodles until I was about 4. Then we went on to a Beagle, Boston Terrier, Daschund, and now my mom has two basset hounds. I got my first corgi (Dyddy) after our Daschund got to a Bufo Frog (very poisonous) and passed away.

A friend of mine had a corgi mix and he was the funniest dog I had ever met. After losing our daschund I wanted my own dog, and I had wanted a boy. I found my perky-earred man at a reputable pet store that a friend of mine used to work at. Got him in August 2004.

Our lil puffin-butt Libby we got from the Sunshine Corgi Rescue in April 2009. We decided to get another because we absolutely LOVE the corgi breed! They are lile little comedians with all the silly things they do.


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