Wonder how often you bathe your Corgi? How do they react to it ? Brynn was very afraid at first, but now seems to like it . I bathe her in our double sink , one for wash the other to rinse.She loves it when we dry her off :) I give her a bath every 2 weeks. Is this too much ?

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yeah, unfortunately if the wire doesn't get closed all the way it's his fovorite place to lay (warm AND stinky)
In Singapore, the climate is mostly warm and humid. So, dogs owners here are advised to bathe their four-legged friends every 7-10 days.
I think it depends on the activity of the dog. I bathe Gizmo about once a month, sometimes twice depending on what she's gotten into. She LOVES bath time, though. I have to keep the bathroom door securely shut or she'll jump in the shower with me every morning.

The only thing I would be wary of in bathing my pup more often is the possibility of drying out her skin, and getting all that Corgi hair stuck in the drain.
Sadie only gets a wet bath once every 2 months or so, and she's so neat, she doesn't really *need* it, then.

In between her wet baths, we use a dry shampoo once a week to freshen her up and brush her daily. Too much wet bathing leads to really dry skin because it washes away essential oils. Makes them itchy. We tried the "bath in a wet nap pack" and it is good for really small dogs, or for wiping feet, but not much else. They dry out too quickly to really clean much and Sadie and Rolo both think it is fun to try and eat the nappy!

Rolo gets a wet bath as needed. He's still a puppy and has a tendency to roll in rather disgusting things...so he gets dumped in the tub at least once a week!

He doesn't like to just stand there and get sudsed up though... his favorite position is directly under the bath spigot as it runs! I guess the warm water beating down on him feels good ;)
Kirby gets groomed once EVERY OTHER month by the groomer..and during the inbetween months I bath him once by myself. I wouldnt say he loves the bath, but I wouldnt say he hates it either. He just relaxes while I massage the shampoo into his coat and rinse him with warm water. Its after the bath that I hate..all the shaking and spraying water everywhere..and then drying him takes forever..but after all that its hilarious to see him run around the house super fast because he just got a bath!!
It's like they have to make up for being still for so long!
My corgi likes to take a bath. I sit on a small stool in the tub and use the handheld sprayer to bathe him. He loves it. When I get the shampoo ready (dilute it in a bottle, so not too soapy otherwise hard to rinse out, which can lead to hot spots), he comes in the bathroom. And I tell him "get in tub" and he hops in the tub and sits there waiting. I trained him to not shake out until I say "shake", so it's a really fast procedure. So, after I am done, I get out, and then close the shower curtain and tell him to shake, and he does. Then I towel dry him and then it's ear cleaning and toenail trimming, and trimming of the feet fur and butt fur. I do this about once a week. He's four years old now and has never had any skin issues.

The main thing is to rinse thoroughly, because soap or shampoo left in the fur makes them itchy which leads to scratching and hot spots. Every 2 weeks sounds fine to me.
Also, it's very humid in Hawaii, so that warrants my weekly baths for my corgi. The way to train them not to shake is, as soon as you see them starting, just grab a hold of the muzzle and say "no shake". Shaking out always starts with the head, so if you stop the head shaking, the rest of the body will stop shaking out too.

Then when the time is right to shake, then say "shake shake" and blow lightly at the ears. This causes the natural shake out response. It worked on both my dogs!
My corgi doesn't get stinky by himself, it seems like after wrestling/playing with other dogs, when he gets slimed by their saliva, then he gets stinky.
May I ask, where do you find this shampoo?
once a week in the bathtub with a bubble bath and all!

kaijuu just doesnt like getting his head washed, thats when he is fussy, wants to get out, or shakes on crazy .. but otherwise he likes bathtime.

i think their favorite is what comes after bath time! getting dried! they get to be touched and dried off with towels. =)
We give Camber a bath maybe once at month at best. I don't like to wash Camber unless really necessary.

I prefer to brush her, but not much fur has been coming off recently. The brushing does more for her coat than the bath in my opinion. We only brush (currently) maybe once a week. I would like to do it more, but I am not seeing much benefit in for her.

As for the wash, try using an Absorber towel. It's one of the those fake chamois that just blows away using a towel. It get much more water off the the dog and is much quicker. Luckily, we do not have any carpet, and Camber is not into rubbing against the furniture. She is quite respectful of our furniture and home actually.


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