I'm a newbee here, but was wondering if anyone does free shaping and clicker training?? I have a couple of questions since Timmy and I are crossovers. believe it or not but he finally saw the light after four days of practice, he began to use his own noggin. I almost cried with delight.

Questions relate to progression of the shaping: Once a behavior has been achieved, is that the point, it's named or can this be done when the behavior is still "in progress"? My tendency is to name it during the shaping, but I haven't done that yet. Secondly, do you keep a log book on training and progress?

I am working on tricks for Timmy to do when he goes on visits to the hospitals. Kids and grown ups love it. Makes them laugh twice as hard!!

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I have done some clicker training, not bunches. My understanding of free shaping is to elicit the behavior, proof it then name it. My understanding is that when you name it early you name only a portion of the behavior and not the total behavior. The behavior needs to be proofed before a name is given. I think a journal with any training is a great idea. Gives you a clue of how long it takes to teach a behavior and how long it takes to proof it. Clicker training is a wonderful thing to add to anyones training tool box.
Since I'm an old codger and mostly used traditional, though positive training methods, this is a new concept. I am grasping the ideas, albeit slowly. Has anyone in your training classes gotten the videos or tapes from Karen Pryor's website? I'm really a visual type person, so I'm thinking they might help. But before I spend "more" money on the "prince" I'd like to know that others feel they are worthwhile.

In my area, free shaping and clicker training are just being introduced. (shows how far behind the times we are up here).


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