Ok my corgi pup abby either has the worst case of selective hearing or is going deft. she can hear someone going down the steps or me tiptoeing across the kitchen or someone tapping on the window.. but when i call he name or tell her to come a first she starts doing what i tell her (sometimes) but then she gets distracted or something... and she is not a toy, food, or afection motivated so she is also really slow....but most of the time she just doesnt even acknoledge me...anything i can do to make her pay attention more and be more motivated to do training sessions...my training sessions afre usually 15 min and no longer than 30 min and we play after training and she eats after training i reward her with food aswell as voice...anything i can do?

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Selective hearing it is. You dont say how old she is but if she is quite young this may be too long of a time to train. If you are doing it the same way and the same time each day she may be bored. May be time to introduce the commands you are doing while on a walk, at a park. Make your home training sessions shorter. Make the reward something far more special than the usual. Does she react to the sound of a squeaky toy? Does she love chasing a ball? Think of what her favorite things are to garner attention while you are training. Corgis tire easily of repetition so one must be quite creative. I get lots of success for most anything I want when I am holding the dinner dish. Lots good can be accomplished right at that time.
well she is 4 months and she will only do listen or atleast slightly enjoy training when she is with her 2 week yonger but a lot smarter (he already knows down, sit, stay, come, go, "go hurry up"(potty) "on your mark, get set, go") and loves training,. and the more dogs there is i have 3 corgis the more happy she is she likes to race the other dogs to get to me first but she wont listen when she is by her self and if i train her by herself she just sits there and looks sad and bored. she does liek squekkies but she isnt crazy about them, she isnt really razy about anything, she likes everything pretty much the same...i will try to cut down the trainign sessions... i also get really frustrated with her because it took trever, the smarter one, 15 mins at the most to learn each of those commands, with abby she has been working on down for the last 5 days 2 15 min trainig sessions a day, one outside, one inside, and she has NO IDEA what i am talking about, so when i get frustrated i stoptraining and play a game of fetch
Sounds like she may be bonding more with the dog pack than with the humans. Continue to work with her alone. She is too young to be expected to focus for 15 minutes in one session. Cut way back to no more than 5 minutes several times a day. If you are getting frustrated, she can read your body language. If you're not having fun, then she isn't either.

Work on getting her attention. Show her a treat, say "Abby!", and hold the treat to your nose. When she looks in your eyes even for a split second, say "Good job Abby!" and give her the treat. Slowy extent the time for her to hold your eye contact before giving her the treat. Once you have taught her to pay attention, other training skills should be easier for her to learn. Also, stand up and drop a few treats around your feet. Point to the ground and tell her "Find it!" She'll pretty quickly decide that being close to you is even more fun than being with the other dogs. Both the attention and "Find it" skills are very easy for a puppy to learn, and should help her feel more successful and bonded with you.

You might also try playing fetch with her before making her work instead of playing after training. A little exercise first might make her more willing to do a few minutes of "thinking" work. Good luck! All dogs learn at different speeds. Just keep it short and fun so she feels like a winner.
breakthrough...Abby has started laying down when i tell her...she just started doing it like 15 minutes ago...she doesnt do it all the time but she is starting and i am a lot happier already!!! yay abby
if you look back at the bulletins, i've posted, i posted one just like this. and i got the best advice ever.

i assume she's not too affectionate, either?

yeah, little bear was the same way. two words: ignore her. of course, not all the time. but you know what i mean. example: i spent every waking moment i wasn't working with bear and he was a ruthless little shit. would never listen to me, acted as though he didn't know his name, and could have given a lesser crap about me. wasn't sweet to me at all. we'd play fetch all the time, learn new tricks, walk, play fetch, etc on and on. it was sucking up my life trying to keep him entertained while i went off to work for 9 hours a day. i had no time to clean, get online, study, do laundry, nothing... i'd save it all for the weekend.

and now that i've learned to just make him do his own thing and i do mine, he knows his name, he knows how to come here, and he's sweet. he will sit in my lap and just LOOOOOOOOOVE on me... it's weird. my puppy has morphed from dog from hell to sweet, well behaved little thing. maybe not well behaved, but you get my point. haha! seriously... he was my WHOLE LIFE. and now i actually managed to get a part of that back. just make her do her own thing. it's a good part of their mental development anyhow...

and listen to what charlie's mom has to say. she helped me a LOT. all hail, man. seriously! happy puppy butt wiggle
well the wierd thing is she is the most affectionate out of all 3 of my corgis and gets really jelous if i pay more attention to the other dogs
My dogs both know what come means but when we're outside running around and I say "come" they don't even lift an ear. I know they hear me but they just don't care. Too bad too because I spent so much on training and just can't get them to listen when I need them to. All I know is you have to have something better than what they're doing-I guess a big old hunk of steak would do. Lol!


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