So...I have a 6 year old male pembroke named Gizmo...Very energetic, happy dog, playful, good with kids, not much exposure to other dogs - likes them as long as they dont pay too much attention to him, he knows all the commands like sit, stay, come, lay down, paw, kiss...even high five! some days you can put him in your lap and cuddle him to death, other days, or parts of the day, you cant bother him. If he doesn't want to be touched at all (mostly at night, so we call it him being grumpy), he will growl and snarl at us. He's never bit (once by accident not meaning to...he was taken by surprise), but the growling really bothers me. I've heard lots of times from lots of different people that Corgi's generally have "attitudes" such as this, and they are just stubburn and independent and that's how it is. If i attempt to discipline him, its worse. for instance, if i point a finger at him and say no, he growls. as soon as i put the finger down, he stops. Also, he definitely "talks back" a lot. He gets sent to bed for a few minutes when he snarls at us for no reason, I tell him "go to bed"... and he barks and growls real loud as he walks off to his bed.

So my question is.... anyone else experiences the corgi attitude and grumpyness? And have you found any solutions to it? I have even tried taking him down and holding him on the ground by the scruff to show him who the dominant one should be...although as you could expect, its pretty hard to take down a corgi when they dont want to be taken down, as they are pretty darn strong and low to the ground. I want to call Ceasar Millan!

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I'm inclined to think that the absence of rough play for a few days is the biggest contributing factor. Your dad is the "top dog" in the house from what you describe, and has a rough and tumble leadership style. Sounds like Gizmo then challenges the rest of the familty for "second dog" place by being too rough with you all. With your dad gone, I figure your mom is feeding Gizmo. She is at least temporarily "top dog". With a calm leader setting the example, Gizmo is showing more relaxed behavior with everyone. Your dad should be encouraged to stop the rough play to see if Gizmo can remain a calmer dog overall.


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