Moses wolfs down his food, as if it were his last meal. I'm giving him the serving size suggested on the back of the puppy food bag, and he seems to enjoy the food. Sometimes after eating he has the hiccups.

Is there a way to get him to calm down when eating? And a way to encourage him to drink more water?

Water is always available to him, food just a few times a day.


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You dont mention how old Moses is. Typically the amounts recommended on the bag are far more than most corgis need. If he is over 4 months of age eating twice daily would be fine. In order to slow down his eating there are a few things you can try. There is a bowl made that has a rise in the middle. Because of its shape dogs can not eat as fast. Others have put rubber balls in the bowl so a dog has to work around them to get their food. To add more water you may put warm water in one of his meals.
Moses is 15 weeks. I think I will try something in his bowl first. Thanks for the suggestions!
Ya like sam said people put things in there food bowl., such as rocks (make sure they are big enough to not eat), and there are bowls specially made for fast eaters. Also you can make him work for his food, such as use his food as rewards, and when ever he does something good give him a piece. also you can hide his food around the house so he has to look for it. this is really good for them mentally and physicaly. for water there are a cople things around that you can put in there water to make it have a taste. i forget what it is called but you can give it a go. OoO there is a burts bees mouth freshener that is for animals and humans, you can put that in his water
Will look for the burt's bees mouth freshener. Thanks for the suggestions!
One thing that I saw suggested was to use one of the Kong toys that allows you to put treats inside. He will have to work to get a full meal and it will slow him down considerably. I considered this with Fegie, but we seem to be slowing down a bit at feeding time. We feed all the dogs at once. Fergie used to plow through her meal so she could try to steal someone elses. We have finally learned our manners and she only eats out of her bowl. Sometimes she leaves a few pieces of Kibble in the bowl and then stands guard against any interloper. Funny the things these little guys will do.
We use kibble in Roxi's toys as well.

As Sam noted I also agree that while your little guy is enjoying his meal so much I would take a better look at how much you are feeding him and what type of kibble your feeding him :) I actually learned on these forums that we were feeding Roxi wayyyyy too much (what the bad said to) and the type (Kmart brand woo!) was like feeding her McDonalds... :(

Good luck on the slow down!
brodie eats so fast he chokes sometimes...i feel your pain. something i saw on "it's me or the dog" on animal planet is just to give them a little food at a time. so if he gets a cup of food at feeding time i'll give him 1/3 of it, wait til he's done, give him another 1/3, etc. it's an easy way to get them to slow down!


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