Does anyone know how much a puppy should be sleeping? Max is 4 months old now. He usually sleeps about 9-12 hours through the night depending on how active he was in the day. There are a lot of periods during the day when he gets crabby and mouthy. I think it's because he's tired but he doesn't nap very well, even if I put him in his kennel. Should he be sleeping more during the day or is he just a mouthy little brat?

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I am thinking it is time for this boy to find a puppy kindergarten class and perhaps expend some more energies. At four months they are also going through teeth change which may give him the need to chew. A tired pup is a good pup. Also time to add some more rules to his life.
Charlie slept a lot at 4 months, probably 16 hours minimum, 8 at night and several naps during the day. We've always gone out every few hours to play hard, so he comes back inside and crashes.

If you haven't already, you'll soon see his front baby teeth falling out and being replaced by adult teeth. Chew, chew, chew! I had scabs all over my arms from the time I got Charlie until about 5+ months. With consistently yelping "Ouch!" and ignoring him for a bit after he nipped too hard, he finally outgrew it. Most dogs understand a little faster than Charlie did that play-nipping really hurts us humans. Just be paitent and consistent with not letting Max bite on your skin. He will outgrow it.

And as Sam indicated the more he exercises, the more he'll nap.


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