I put Gonzo on a special diet of rice, chicken, sweet potato, and yogurt for a few days to get rid of his diarrhea. I slowly phased out the ingredients as they ran out. Yogurt was the last thing (plain flavor, gluten free). When I ran out of that, Gonzo refused to eat his plain dog food. I bought a sauce for dog food and he likes it ok, but it still takes a few sniffs for him to start eating.
Is yogurt ok to feed to a dog every day? I only added one tablespoon twice a day.
What sorts of things do you add to your dog food, and why?

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My Lizzie is chubby so i have cut back on her ration of dog food, but I do put a heaping teaspoon of lowfat cottage cheese in and alternate a couple of baby carrots with green beans soshe thinks she is getting more food and special treats. I put the teaspoon of cottage cheese in with the other dogs food as well. I think they now think it is an absolute necessity. I will occassionally split one egg scrambled between the dogs and stir it in with the dry kibble. I had originally put baby carrots in our 9 month olds bowl so she would slow down eating her kibble. She would eat so fast so she could finish and then raid someone elses bowl. When the carrots are in her bowl she eats around them first which takes a little more time. Then she will eat the carrots later.
I did that with Lola. When she was a puppy she never ate plain dry food. I tried everything. Eggs, yogurt, small pieces of hot dog, roast beef slices, ground beef, dog food sauce. You name it we tried it lol. Then one day I mixed wet food with some water, added her dry food and she loved it. I think this is much better for her than anything else. She has been eating it for over a year now, and so far no complaints :) She always gobbles up her food
Charlie was a picky, picky eater when he was young (and also had a few rounds with mild diarrhea). Lowfat plain yogurt is fine. I had to tempt Charlie with either a teaspoon of lowfat yogurt, or a teaspoon of lowfat cottage cheese, or occassionally a teaspoon of diced chicken to get him to eat. He also went to chicken/rice bland diet on 3 occassions for the runs (which I think just made him more picky about eating kibble). I eventually weaned him off the yogurt/cottage cheese addition by watering down the yogurt/cott.chs. over a few days until he was just eating dampened kibble.
we hide their monthly heart worm prevention in the food, does that count?
Kai and Luna love green beans - Kai was a bit hefty at one time, so we had heard of the green bean diet and put him on that, and he never left. both dogs get 1/2 cup kibble and 1/2 cup frozen green beans, with a squirt of salmon oil - doesn;t that sound tasty?
Patti, is that total for the day? I'm trying to get the rations right to help Lizzie drop some weight. I do 1/4 cup kibble in the morning with a tsp of cottage cheese and about 1/4 cup green beans--this is 2 x a day.
Sorry Kristen for taking so long to get back - for Kai - that is his ration, and he acts as if he is starving to death, but if I increase he starts putting on the pounds again. on those extremely desperate mornings, I'll give him some green beans with a bit of cheese, and a couple ice cubes. Luna, who's back in agility and a madwoman, has to eat twice a day, tho we hide it from Kai who would fall over dead if he knew she was eating. But remember, Kai has a "disability" and has very low activity - so adjust for your dog's activity level and always check with the vet. But the green beans worked for us and both dogs love them.
Yogurt if tolerated by a dog well is fine to eat every day. I have a senior male that has had stomach issues that receives medication and yogurt in both meals daily. You may also try canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling but plain. This seems to help both with diarrhea and constipation. Most dogs love it!
When Penelope was going through her picky stage a few months back, I'd add shredded carrots to her dry food. She love carrots; a lot of other corgis do, too. She lolves the mixture. I still add carrots once in awhile now. It's a nice change.
little bear will eat anything... my quesadilla, his dry food, the carpet, his kong balls, poop... i must have gotten lucky. here's what i would suggest and i think the reason why this works for us is because i have him on a schedule.

every morning we wake up at the same time and take a 30 minute walk and then when we get home i feed him his normal food. anytime between imeediately and 1 1/2 hours later, i'll give him a homemade frozen treat (tell you about those in a sec). i leave for work (i come home in the middle of the day to let him pee and give him a kopng treat) and when i come home, its the same thing. let him pee, and then he gets his food and right after that he gets a frozen treat. i'd like to say that he's simply a good boy and knows that he has to eat his dry food before he gets his other treat, but he would eat staples if i fed them to him...

the treats i make him are pretty much some of his doggy meat treats, veggies, fruits, tuna, yogurt, peanut butter or some of that sauce for dogs (not all at once mind you, lol!) and a lot of water. so it's one gi-normus ice cube that has really good tasting thigns hidden in it! he loves it!

for instance, i'll cut up some of his beggin strips and pour a little bit of the bacon flavored sauce over it and fill it up with water in little tupperware things. or i'll open a can of tuna, pour a little bit in (whether it be the juice or actual tuna, doesn't matter) and fill the rest up with water. dude goes nuts! and i make them everyday before i leave for work.

i really like this idea, and it's a good way to get some good grub going their way instead of just boring old dog food. you could also try to put some of his kibble in water... make it a kibble ice cube!

i know i'm ranting, but this is something i was very pleased to see work with Bear. he loves it and so do all the other dogs i give them to, including my mom's corgi.

good luck!!!!
Wow, this sounds like a great idea for summer treats as well. We have no problems getting them to eat either, but it is nice to give them something a little special. Kinda like the zoo does for the polar bears!
I love the ice cube idea. Max loves ice cubes, especially right now that he is teathing. I think I will try it with the treat in it, that should last him a little longer. I haven't started adding anything to Max's food yet, he eats his kibbles ok, maybe I should look in to adding something for him. I just didn't know when it would be a good time to start adding stuff for a puppy. He does get carrots but he just eats the little baby carrots by themselves.


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