When can you let corgis climb stairs???

Also what amount of protein do you recomend for 6 month old puppies?

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climbing up stairs is no problem, climbing down stairs does need some supervision, make sure your corgis don't jump more than 2 steps and land, it may hurt their front feet if they didn't land properly. The pups can get quite excited and decided to jump down for some crazy reason :)

Invest in a good quality puppy food and follow the instruction on the package then you should be fine.
Triley was very scared of stairs at first, especially going down them. I would suggest starting out on carpeted stairs, so your pup can get a good grip and won't slide. Triley started on stairs pretty early (maybe around 5 months?) but he still hasn't quite mastered them. He is tempted to take the final few stairs in one giant leap, so, as Sam said, supervision is good while they are still so small.
Lincoln is 5 mos and he hasn't attempted to go down stairs yet ... going up the stairs seems to be ok - he just hops up them. You can tell he wants to go down but is too chicken ... no matter what the treat is you have for him!
Winnie started going upstairs at a young age, but would only go down the bottom 3 (ie i would place her up 2 she would come down , up 3 no problem, up 4 and she would just sit there. Then one day last month we practiced for about an hour outside with a set of 3 stairs go up get a treat go down get a treat. after that outside stairs weren't a problem and a few days later she was doing the inside stair too. she took a flying leap once and has never wanted to try it again.

winnie gets a good kibble for breakfast and organic raw chicken patties for dinner. she has had no problem going to the diet (we switched from all kibble at 4 months)
Rosie learned to climb stairs at a young age because we lived in a second floor apartment while our house was being rebuilt. Now we carry her up and down stairs because of her pano. I think it has become a habit and she has come to expect us to carry her up the stairs because she won't even try to climb them, she waits patiently at the bottom or top of the stairs for someone to pick her up and carry her. When my first corgi was a baby I used to carry her up and down because she couldn't figure out how to go climb stairs. I got a surprise when I was at a friend's house and she literally raced up and down my friend's flights of stairs. I think she was secretly practicing stair climbing.
At six months you should have no problem doing stairs with your kiddo :) (well body wise lol) Training and convincing your little one that its no problem is another story lol.

Just keep careful watch ;) Like others stated... puppies think they can fly!

As for protein.. I would recommend talking to your vet.. but a lot of them are buddy-buddy with kibble companies.. so I would take the time to look it up and see what nutritionists say :)

Let us know how your little one is doing!
Hi. I just got my Corgi. He's about four months, and he goes up and down stairs pretty well now. I just carefully and patiently watched him. It helped me to sit just out of his reach, so he would come down one stair at a time. I also manually helped him move his paws the right way. The way my Corgi does it is one stair at a time. He puts his two front paws down, and then slides his back two to the same step. And he did fall(slide) down the steps the first couple of times. Hope this was helpful.
Lincoln started to go down the stairs as of a couple days ago!

We are soooo excited!
Never even thought about either of these questions. Hmm, I would just feed him/her some good puppy chow. As for the stairs don't worry too much-they'll figure it out. Make sure they go slow going down though or there could be a tumble.
Rolo was really stairs shy at first, too. We had to pick him up to take him outside because the deck stairs (and the space between each step) were too scary for him.... as it is for a lot of dogs. They really don't like that space.

Then we made a discovery when visiting a park near our home. We found a whole series of concrete steps that were wide enough for him to fit full length, facing forward. Additionally, each step was only half the height of a normal step. He was hesitant at first, but soon realized this staircase was no big deal. He could navigate them just as easily as the sidewalk and soon would take them at almost a run.

So that's what we did. My husband spent 20 minutes taking him up and down them until he was doing it all on his own for the sheer joy of running up and down stairs. Then, to our glee, Rolo applied what he'd learned at home and started taking OUR deck stairs up AND down... soon after his park stairs experience.
I don't think that you are a bad corgi owner because you let her do corgi gymnastics ;) Corgi's do what Corgi's Do... that's a fact of life! Just be sure she knows her limits!

We've had to curb Sadie a bit, because at 6 years she's starting to get stiff in the back leg joints and she just isn't as limber as she used to be. But... true to corgi form, she's stubborn as hell and still occasionally tries to do the occasional triple lutz over the puppy gate (note to self: Baby gates by Evenflo are much sturdier!) and attempts backflips off the couch (I strained my wrist catching her).

I watch her like a hawk, too... because I hate the idea that it might take an injury before she gets it through her thick head that she's not as young as she used to be. At this rate though...the injury will probably be MINE. ;)
awww she sounds like a cutie. I can just imagine her at a retirement home for corgis being grouchy as anything because they wont let her do the things she wants too. Too funny...

Ah, yes, Evenflo. I bought that gate when Eowyn was a puppy. She could clear the other dinky gate we have in one bound. I laughed out loud when I read the back flips off the couch - I hope you don't get a broken arm before then! Good luck! :-) I love corgis, they are just too cute!


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