I have a 8 month old male neutered corgi. This is the first corgi I ever had. He scratches the door wanting to go out usually every 3 hours (sometimes 4 or even 5 hours). But it is mostly 3 hours, is this normal for an 8 month old dog.

He is very good throughout the night. At 9PM every night he scratches the door of his crate and he gets taken out one last time and sleeps in his crate until 7:30 AM in the mornng.

I'm just wondering because I heard other dog owners say that when a dog is 6 months, they need only go out 2-3 times a day.

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He may be just looking for a change of scenery or activities. I suspect if you beef up his exercise program you will not see him asking to go out quite so frequently.
Mine goes breakfast, lunch (optional), after work, and before bed. So 3-4 times a day, and they're 5y/o
Does he actually pee or poop every 3 hours? Barring any urinary tract infection, he should be able to hold it longer than that. I would suspect that he is trying to train you to be his "doorman". My last dog liked to scratch at the door a lot when he was young, just to see if he could make me get up and open the door. Once I knew his potty schedule, I told him "Not now" most of the time, and took him out on our set schedule. He eventually quit scratching at the door unless he really needed to go out.

You didn't mention his food schedule. If you're free feeding him, he will need to go out more. Two meals a day should keep him on a regular, less frequent schedule.
he gets two meals a day and some treats in between.

he poops about three times a day and sometimes when I take him he pees very very little.

I'm starting to think he's trying to trick me to take him outside.

Do you think it is okay to ignore him or tell him "no" if he scratches the door to frequently? I really do not want to take him out every 2-3 hours if he is going to pee so little. But I also don't want him to pee in the house.
I notice that when I go out and he is alone for abotu 4 hours and I come back and take him out, he pees a lot more.
Yes I do think it's alright to tell him "not now" if you're sure he's not needing to potty. You'll read lots of threads here about people potty training with a bell, or scratch at the door, or bark. Many, many dogs then try to take advantage of their new-found knowledge and want to "trick you" (as you said) into opening the door for them.

He should be able to go out about four times a day: first thing in the morning, last thing at night, and two more times during the day (usually about 20-30 minutes after meals). Other than that, at eight months, he should be able to wait.
We leave our backdoor open so our dogs are constantly going in and out throughout the day, but when we close the door Obi tends to need to go out 2-3 times a day. Of course, he gets really hyper if he only goes out that much, and a bit annoying. It might be that your corgi is bored or needs a change of scenery. He's probably going so frequently because he's young, and kids get bored easily. :)
thanks everybody!

its beginning to sound like my dog is either bored or just tricking me. it doesn't seem to be health related and that's very reassuring.
Yea we normally do three to four times a day... three if its a long work day.. four if its the weekend :) The more the better since we don't have a yard but luckily these little guys have short legs and running around an apartment is good exercise hahahahha.

I don't think I can give any better advice thats already been given though :)
Sadie doesn't need to go outside as much as our little guy, Rolo. She is happy with 7:15 am, 5pm, 8pm... but she goes out a lot more now that we have Rolo... I suspect just because she can.

His schedule, at nearly 6 months old, is 7am before breakfast, 7:15am after breakfast, noon, 5pm before dinner, 5:15 after dinner (he eats FAST), 8pm, 11pm.

He gets walked at least once a day. Twice if I can fit it in. I don't know who told you that a 6 month old puppy can hold it to where they only go out 2-3 times a day... but I honestly don't think their little bladders are that well trained until at least a year.


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