My 3 year old corgi, Sofi, has always had access to open bowl. I keep her food and water out for her all the time and she eats whenever she wants, always a healthy portion. She's slim and fit and healthy, so open bowl works really well for her.

I'm in a serious relationship with someone who recently bought a pug puppy. His dog doesn't know how to control his eating -or- his drinking. He eats so fast that the food in his bowl is gone within seconds after it's poured in, he doesn't even chew. And if we leave water out for him, he drinks it until he throws up all over the place. So we have to regulate his food intake.

Of course this presents the problem of how to feed my own dog. The pug (Shibby) eats Sofi's food and drinks her water if I leave it on the floor for her to eat. But if I try and feed Sofi with a regimen like my boyfriend feeds Shibby, Sofi doesn't eat it, because she doesn't feel like eating it when I give it to her.

How have you guys coped with this kind of situation? Any suggestions?

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well i would never suggest leaving food down all the time but your dog seems ok with it so i guess it is fine. my puppies were use to having the food left out wen they came here so we fed them 3 times a day and left the bowl down for 1-15 min. if they werent hungary i would pick it up and not put it back down till next feeding. after about 4 days they should be use to it
hmm.... the things we do for love :) If i was in your situation, I would get both of them on a feeding schedule, in time Sofi would catch on, she will eat when she's hungry, twice a day is fine. I'm a little concern about water though, I have water available until bed time, so i hope someone else could give you advise on that. Let me us how it goes!
Hmmm...interesting how some dogs will eat until they are one kibble shy of explosion, and others can quit and walk away when they're full. Anyway, for Shibby's health, it's pretty clear that you will no longer be able to just leave food down for Sofi, unless you completely separate the dogs.

Sofi will adjust to two or three meals a day. I have never heard of a Corgi dieing of starvation. She will eventually get hungry and eat when you offer her food, once she learns the new schedule. If you do want to leave her semi-free food access, then you could try locking her food in her kennel and letting her in when she walks over wanting food. I think it'd be easier to just transition her to regular meal times though.
I too suggest regular feeding times. It is much easier to monitor food intake (which if helpful if they become ill) and certainly easier in maintaining weight as they age. I have met a few corgis that just dont have a huge appetite. Sometimes they just dont care for the food being offered. I am certainly not one to buy all kinds of foods to encourage them but I do think a super premium, natural food is the best choice. Most corgis learn the drill quickly. Mine are all hoovers and the food is gone in a flash.


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