Howie is settling in great in his new home and seems perfectly happy and healthy. However, one thing we noticed when we first picked him up was that his eyes are a little weepy. He has a pretty consistent "weepy streak" from each eye that we can't wipe away. Gus hasn't ever had weepy eyes, so I'm not sure what it is from or what we can do. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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You might try this web site, it might help provide some answers for you.

Charlie had watery eyes the first couple of weeks I had him. The vet didn't seem too concerned and thought it might just have been a mild allergy or just dust making him "weepy". He cleared up after a couple weeks and hasn't had any problems since.

If it's just clear tears, nothing "goopy", thick or colored, and his eyes are not red or irritated, then it is probably nothing to worry about. A good "general check-up" at the vet is always a good idea for a new pup.
have him checked for conjunctivitis - fairly common eye infection and you'll need to get some eye medicine for it. both my dog's have had it and pass it to each other. clears up in a a day or two. when kai has it, the white in his eye is very red. Luna does not show this. kai's tear's stain go all the way down his face, like your "weepy streak". good luck.
Oh my gosh, Daisy is constantly weeping. I thought it was just her. Ein never had that problem. He licks her tears in the morning. It's so cute. Not sure what causes it though.
Hey, I just replied to a similar problem. I had the same issue with des. It drove me nuts. I was constantly wiping his eyes. I discovered it was gluten intolerance - certain ingredients in many dog foods. The article is on It worked for us. After we switched his diet his eyes cleared up within a week! I hope this is helpful.
Brodie had one eye that did this and our breeder brought it to her vets attention just before we brought him home,. He gave her a bit of antibiotic eye ointment that we took home with us and put in for a few days. Brodie is fine. Our vet here didn't see it as a problem either. Seems to be common as you look at the young Corgi pictures on the site.
Ginny had a weepy eye (in just her right eye) when I first got her too. The vet said he thought it might have been a mucus plug in her tear duct as it was just weepy, not gunky and her eye wasn't red or infected. He recommended rubbing the corner of her eye a few times a day to try to dislodge the mucus plug. He said if that didn't work then when I brought her in to be spayed he could flush her eye while she was under anesthesia. Luckily, it seems to have cleared up with just the rubbing. It's been much better lately. Actually, the same thing happened with one of my friends recently (human). One of her eyes tears constantly and her eye doctor had to flush out her tear ducts! Pretty gross, but it seemed to work for her.
We are happy to report that Howie's weeping has definitely been subsiding! We have an appointment with his vet soon to make sure that he is doing alright, but it seems to be clearing up on its own. Thank you for all your suggestions - I felt like a new "mommy" all over again with Howie's weeping since Gus hadn't experienced it, so I was worrying a lot! Hopefully it continues to clear up!
This may be allergies, clogged tear ducts, distichias or an injury to the eye. I would suggest that you have his eyes examined by a vet, preferably an opthamologist.
So is there a special way to wash away the tear stain? Yesterday, Ein formed some eye gunk on his right eye but everytime I wipe it off, another one just replaces it.


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