I adopted a 3 year old corgi about 4 months ago and he is a wonderful dog. He just seems to get upset when my 18 month old niece is around. I dont know if he is scared or what..but he does fine with kids around 4 or 5. He actually runs around and plays with them. But when it comes to my niece he will run away or he lets out a growl and runs away. He never shows his teeth when he growls, and usually growls and runs away..but I dont know what to do. I correct him when this happens but he still continues to do this. The previous owner said he is great with kids and he is just not the little ones. He also growls if he is on the bed and I move around in my sleep, again just a growl no teeth showing but its like he doesnt want to be disturbed. I dont know what to do. I need help!

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Sounds like he doesn't trust your niece. Sometimes dogs don't feel that little children are like other "tall" humans because of the size. That means they don't see the little human as dominant, but maybe more like littermates that they can boss around. It's important to teach your corgi to respect all humans, and teach your niece how to be with dogs. The worst thing that could happen is for your corgi to bite your niece or another small child. All it takes is one bite, and some parent could blame your dog and it would get taken away and put to sleep.

He also should not be sleeping in your bed and acting like the bed is his. Perhaps if he saw you as his leader, he would act differently with your niece. You need to reinforce that you are the leader with him. That means not sleeping with you.

Also, I don't know if crating him whenever you niece is around will help. He'll start to realize that he gets put in the crate when she's around and that may exacerbate the negative feelings he already has towards her. You could try making the experiences with them together positive ones. Like when she comes over, the three of you go for a walk. That will help him to associate good things when she is there.

As for the growling, it's true corgis are verbal. As the owner, you should be able to distinguish an aggressive growl with a play growl. It sounds like he is grumbling about your niece.

I would take him to obedience classes and continue to reinforce the alpha role in yourself. Make him do sits and downs just because you said so. He may complain, but make him do it anyway.
I agree with not leaving him alone with your niece until she is older and has more control of her movements, and understands how to be gentle with him. She might accidently "corner" him and he might nip just to get out of a corner. Corgis do also have a reputation for herding and nipping at the heels of young children. So better safe than sorry. Let them have some supervised time together, then put him in a separate area. They'll be growing up at the same time, and will likely end up best of friends. : - )

Corgis are one of the breeds with a huge range of vocalizations, including growls and grumbles, which are just their way of trying to talk to us. It does sound like your dog has not a single hint of aggressiveness and is "talking" to you. My Charlie has such a sweet, funny disposition that I don't try to discourage his talking at all. He would never aggressively growl at me. I think most of his talking is endearing.

For the handful of Corgis that have shown a tendency or history to be bossy-aggressive, where the growling has been combined with snarling and showing teeth, I would discourage all growling, even in play. That does not sound like your new dog. He sounds like a sweetie and a winner!
Thank you for your replies. I really dont find Kirby a threat to my niece but again take in to account that a dog still is wild by nature so I must be careful. Maybe he is talking to me when I nudge him on the bed at night, because it's not a vicious growl nor is it followed by him snipping at me. I bought him a huge comfy pillow bed, and tonight I will start to train him on sleeping on his bed instead of mine..I could live without the hair in my bed anyway!! LOL As for the crate I feel like he would interpret that as punishment if I put him in it when my niece was around. I really want him to like her. I just think she scares him and she doesnt know how to handle him. I am working on sitting with both of them and letting her pet him gently. I am hoping over time that he will learn to love her and be protective over her as he is with me. Again thank you for all of your advice.
My Lola does the SAME thing! I cannot figure out why... she doesn't sleep in bed with us, so I figured she's not used to the movement when she does lay with us (say on the couch or if she does get to snuggle in bed with us for a little bit). A lot of times, I just figure she's tired & crabby! She'll do the low grumble growl & then run off... a few times she's walked off straight to her crate... sort of saying "you're bothering me with all your movement, so I'm going to my own room." I will tell her to 'stop' firmly and almost make her deal with it. I don't want her to think she's the boss!!

I've never thought it was an aggressive thing, but more of her getting annoyed, but is that really possible for a dog? Or do I just have a dog with A LOT of attitude?? haha I am hoping to get video & be able to post it for others to see...
thats so funny. I am glad that you understand. Kirby normally doesnt sleep in my bed either..but sometimes I will let him take a little nap up there with me because I love to snuggle with him. I too just figured he doesnt like movement..
It is so funny how you said that she walked off to go to her crate, he has jumped off my bed and layed on the floor like "yup you cant move me here!"
Good to know someone else understands me!
Oh I do! I'm going to try to video her tonight so others can see the grrrr that I'm talking about! All my friends just think she has so much attitude... I just think she mainly does it when she's tired & crabby! haha

I've seen this video on youtube.com (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tvwqTfES3o) but it doesn't show that annoyed grumbling growl... but it is hilarious!


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