Alright I was putting off asking this question because I did not want to sound like a bad mother to my baby, but now I am worried about my little girl. Last year I took Lola to a new vet because when my cat was very sick the clinic that I always go to would not call the vet in for me on a Saturday because "it was his day off". Anyways to make a long and heartbreaking story short I brought my cat to an animal hospital an hour away and I had him put to sleep because the surgery was over 6,000. And my vet could have done it for a lot less... so Anyways I took her to a new vet and he clipped her nails too short. She was petrified. Before this I had always cut her nails and filed them down for her. She will not let me touch her paws anymore. I don't know what to do. Her nails are getting long and I don't want them to affect her legs or her walking. I tried all the tricks in the book. I tried massaging her paws to get her used to me touching them again, I tried giving her a treat when she lets me touch them, leaving the nail cutters near her to get her used to them... everything you can think of I tried. I had my boyfriend hold her and give her a snack to get her attention away from me cutting her nails but she bit him, and that is so uncharacteristic for her. She never bites anyone. I looked into having her sedated to cut her nails, but I am not sure I want to put her through that....

Sorry this is so long, I just need some good advice... Thank you.

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I had a male like this though by me just massaging and flicking his nails we got to the point I was able to them. One bad experience can destroy a dog. I would muzzle her and don't cut fast nor short. She is fearing pain so you aren't going to cause any in the least. Cutting slowly also isn't so much a shock either and relieves pressure. Talk to her thru the whole thing. Once she realizes that this isn't as tramatic as she once thought she'll get better. Do this every 5 days to keep it fresh in her. U can also try using a dremel too but make sure you don't let it get hot on her nail. This will take you some time but you'll get her thru it and before you know it you won't be needing a muzzle.
Thanks for the reply, we have gotten the peticure and she loves it =) She gets some roast beef as soon as we are finished and she is no longer scared. I think everyone should try this product if their dog is afraid of getting their nails trimmed!


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