Megan has a fatty tumor right under her left armpit. and one on her chest. the doctor said it was normal and you could have it removed but he doesnt want to risk it with an 11.5 year old dog. and it doesnt seem to bother her. but it seems like trevor has the same thing, in the same place(under his armpit) but it is a lot smaller. but he is 6 months. and he is not overweight at all. is this something to worry about, and do you think this is a fatty tumor? if so do you think the vet will remove it? he isnt neutered yet so do you think it would be wise to get it removed at the same time he gets neutered?

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A lump on a 6 month old dog would be far more of a concern then one on an 11 yr. old dog. I would certainly have this checked before his planned neuter. There may be some necessary tests to diagnose exactly what it is prior to removing it.
Sam is absolutely right. It may be nothing, but at six months it warrents a visit to the vet.


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