We just got a 13 week old puppy last week and adore him. I work from home and it has been quite an adjustment having a little puppy around. I wanted to see if there were other people who worked from home with puppies and what your schedule was like with walks, playtime etc?

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I work from home. The first week I had Charlie, I kept him in his kennel indoors. (That let my cats come in at their leisure to 'safely' sniff the new addition). I moved his kennel to my office during the day and to my bedroom at night. I took him outside once an hour, unless he was sleeping. That's more often than he needed to pee/poop but it just helped me figure out what his normal times were for pee/poop.

After the first week, and since then, we usually spend up to an hour in the backyard first thing in the morning while I drink coffee and toss toys for him. Then we do a play/training break outside about every 2 hours. I do most of his obedience training and playtime on the patio or in the yard. Then he sits in my recliner while I work in between play breaks.

After he got his final puppy shots at 4 months, we started walking. We walk 2.5 miles (about one hour) a day now usually about mid-day. It's starting to get hot here already, so yesterday I moved his long walk up earlier in the day and we go out for a second short walk in the evening.

He does get a lot more outside time and exercise than a Corgi really needs, but when we're inside he sure is a good dog. He just hangs out in my recliner and sleeps or watches TV and chews on toys until we go back out on a break.

Congrats on your new puppy! You're in for a great time. : - )


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