Willie has been with me almost 6 months now and he has started to eat his breakfast and dinner way too fast at times and barfs shortly there after. Friday it was all over my bed just before leaving for work *sigh*
He started this when the cats walk between him and the bowl when he is on a 'down wait' before eating. He doesn't bark or growl, just when I release him he rushes to the bowl and gulp its gone about that fast.
So talking with a friend of mind she suggested putting a golf or ping -pong ball in his dish to slow him down by forcing him to eat around it. I didn't have one but I did have a side/dip bowl, (the kind you get when you ask for your salad dressing on the side) I've put that in his bowl and OH MY it takes him almost 3 whole minutes now to eat instead 30 secs. best part is no more barfing. So I thought I would share that problem and the fix with the rest of you as we all know what chow hounds our babies are :-)