...should you stay on the porch?
I was at the park with Bibi this morning. She is usually friendly with all dogs, but there were a lot of big dogs there and they liked chasing her. She became quickly overwhelmed and it was clear that she wasn't having much fun. I'm thinking that as her protector, I should steer her away from these situations where she gets out-sized. Am I being overprotective? I don't want to make her feel defensive or feel the need to be over-tough. I'd like her to remain as sweet as she is. What do other corgi-owners think? Thanks.

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I only take Charlie to parks that have a separate fenced area for small dogs. I have let him into the big dog side once when they were re-working the small dog area, and he did fine. Like Bibi, Charlie is usually friendly with most dogs, and generally enjoys the park. I'd say he plays well with 99% of dogs. I watch him like a hawk though, and don't let him wander farther away than I can step in. On rare occassions, he picks on another dog, being the bully, and I'll put him on-leash for time out, or we leave. On a few occassions, some other dog has bullied him with no owner in sight, so I also moved him to another area of the park away from the bully.

If any regular pattern develops, where you see your dog getting picked on a lot, or she is picking on other dogs a lot, then I would end the off-leash priviledges.

You did the right thing to steer her away from a situation where she was overwhelmed and not having fun.

We humans don't like every other person, so I don't think we can expect our dogs to like or enjoy every other dog.
There is a park near me that has a separate fenced area for small dogs, so i better start going there. I just don't want there to be a fight where she (or likely the other dog) can get hurt.
Thanks for your input....and Charlie is adorable!
Actually I only take my corgis to the "big" dog area only :) Most small dogs area that i've been turn out to be too boring and no action at all. The smalls dogs don't really interact and most owners just sit on the bench :(

Mocha and Vienna are both very confident dogs and they just walk right up to the big dogs and hang, it was a little overwhelming for vienna when she was a pup, but in time she learn from the big dogs and adapt just fine. I thought it was important for other bigger dogs to "teach" and put my dogs in place if they were being a brat or acting out. I think it is important not to baby them and let them learn lessons on their own. Do step in if things ever get hairy, but don't let your dog used you as their "human" weapon against other dogs.

I am very proud of the breed, they're herding dogs and are able to boss the sheeps and cattles in it's natural instinct. They're fearless and are natural "police officers". Big dog owners were always surprised how well the corgis stack up to their bigger breeds :)
My Kirby loves running with the big dogs..sometimes I feel nervous like he is going to get stomped on..but Kirby keeps up with those little legs. The big dogs get tired before he does!! LOL I especially love watching Kirby herd the big dogs while they are running around!
One of Charlie's best friends is the rottweiler next door. She's very dog-friendly and has been great with teaching him adult dog-manners when he's being a teenage brat. : - ) At the dog park, I am being cautious in wanting him to learn manners from the small dogs first. He can be overbearing now and then on insisting that another dog plays with him when they don't want to, so dogs will snap at him like "Go away you annoying teenager. I don't want to play." It's part of the socialization/learning process, but I wouldn't want a large dog to get upset with his adolescent behavior and do more than a warning. When he is an adult and learns his manners, I'll most likely let him go with the "big guys".
you guys are all giving me great input. my biggest concern is Bibi getting hurt. a friend of mine's dog injured her back playing too rough with a bigger dog, so i think that's why i may be being overprotective. maybe if i gradually let her get used to bigger dogs, she's only 8 months old...
Lola did get hurt by her friend Angie the Rotty when she was about 4 months old (about about 10lbs!). Angie nipped her a little in the hind leg to warn her & it sprained her ankle. It scared us, but it could have been worse! Now Lola knows her boundries and Angie knows not to be so rough with the smaller doggies!!

I think that Sam was right on in his response as well :) Many people are surprised at how sturdy Corgis really are... they aren't small dogs, just medium sized dogs with little legs!
My corgi tends to get along with most dogs, though she's the submissive one initially (she'll roll over on her belly or pin her ears back until the sniffing has been done and the playing can begin!). There have been a few times when she'll get chased and surrounded by the big dogs. Sometimes she does okay, sometimes she gets overwhelmed. When she starts baring her teeth (as opposed to play-growling and play-nips), then the situation is no longer fun for her. I'll jump in (as will the other owners) at that point so that it doesn't escalate to a fight.

What's funny, though, is that once the situation is under control, Bailey will walk away and start to head in the direction of the car, as if to say "Ok, that's it - I'm done, I'm outta here". I normally chase her down and bring her back to play with the smaller dogs so that the experience doesn't end on a bad note.
I dont think size is the big issue here but more how much Bibi really enjoys interacting with other dogs. Another point to consider is the temperament of the dogs that she is playing with. I rarely go to dog parks but when I do I always stay out and observe the activity before entering. It is not infrequent that many of the dogs lack good social interactions, are bossy and pushy. This is not the experience you wish your dog to have with others. If she has little interactions with dogs other then the park may I suggest that you find a pal to walk dogs with or have play dates. Take an obedience class where there will be more dogs but in a controlled environment. Socialization is a very good thing for dogs but the environment must be suitable for a dog to gain a comfort level and enjoy the activities.
Lola's BFFs are as follows: a rottwieler, a white lab & a german sherpard. Corgis are made for herding cattle/sheep/horses, so they can handle themselves with bigger dogs with no problem :) They will let the other dogs know when they're pushing it, it's all instinct!
I have to say one thing about my corgi and that is she will give a big dog a run for their money! I also have seen her become very submissive with a little pug so I think it could depend on the breed and sex of the dog. Reguardless, you have to continue to supervise any interaction your dog may have with other dog and people as well. I never allow my dog to become to aggressive in those dog park situations. I will remove her long before it gets out of hand. I dont think your being over-protective I just think your listening to your dog and caring for your dog when you see she is not comfortable!
WOW! I can't believe the support and wisdom of this group!
After considering all your responses I've decided to immerse her gradually to big dog situations, a little every day, and let her play, interfering only when I think it's getting out of hand. It's important to let her work things out with other and bigger dogs, but I have to be there if one starts throwing their weight around.
Thanks again, everyone!


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