Okay, I've searched for some info on here for this and I need some advice. We are planning to pick up our new puppy this Saturday. He is 11 weeks old now. Well, this afternoon his breeder emailed me and said that one of his ears had fallen (they had been up so far) and that she wanted to let me know just in case. She seemed a little worried in the email. Now, I've read that sometimes the puppies ears will fall again if they are teething, has anyone had this experience? I'm not even sure I'd care if one of his ears stayed down, but that she thought to email me about it. What do you guys think? Should we opt for another puppy from the litter (I had my heart set on this one...). Has anyone had a Corgi that had erect ears that fell and came back up??
Thanks guys!

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Hey everyone, I posted this over 2 years ago and I'm happy to update and say Grover's ears are up, up, up! It never became a problem. By the time we picked him up, both ears were up again and they never flopped down after that.
Just wanted to update everyone!


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