I have a three year old male Corgi that strained a muscle in his right hip recently. He started favoring that leg buy lifting it slightly off the ground when he walked occasionally putting it down. He is currently on Previcox for inflammation. He's doing great now but, I've noticed him bunny hopping when running and don't recall him doing that much, if at all before. Is this cause for concern? They x-rayed his leg/hips and said they looked good...no fractures or breaks and the joints looked fine.

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I am not sure if they told you to keep his activity level down but I would suspect that he is still experiencing some pain when running. I think I would restrict his activity for a time and try to keep him from jumping, do more leash walking then allowing him to run in his usual fashion. Kudos for taking him to the vet. If you do not notice an improvement after reduced activity I would call the vet and pose the question there.
The doc said to basically "limit" his activity. I have a two story with steps going up and down and a deck with 14 steps. It's nearly impossible to keep him form going up and down some of them and I can't carry him as I fear I could trip, drop him and hurt us both. He walks on lead very well. I did that the day we got back from the vet and he walks just like always. The only thing I've noticed differently is when he breaks in a run, that's when I noticed the hopping. He's done that before the muscle strain but not all the time. I don't know if its cause for alarm as I've seen other corgis do this. He has no problem getting on/off the couch or standing on his back legs as in begging for a treat.

I've limited his going up and down the inside stairs by using the baby gate down in the family room when I have to go upstairs briefly so he wouldn't follow. I think it may be wise to put some plywood down on the deck steps to create a ramp so he won't have that to negotiate anymore. Perhaps also put on the plywood some non-slip material...sort of like a thin carpet.
Corgis are prone to getting hip dysplasia and bunny hopping can be the first sign of it. If the dr took an x-ray of the hips they should be able to tell you for sure if he had it or not or if he was starting to develop it.

One thing you can do to help with it, or to slow it down is to give fatty acid supplements and glucosamine/condroitin supplements.

He shouldn't be allowed to jump on or off the couch and to stand on his back legs. that really hurts his back. dogs are very good at hiding/ignoring their pain because they don't want us to notice or worry about it.
According to the doc, the x-rays were fine. I do give him, with each evening meal, the Missing Link Plus which has the glucosamine in it along with Omega 3 and 6 with Omega 3 being tlhe more important one. It's next to impossible to stop one from jumping on the couch when they've done it a long time. He'll do it before I even have time to get out of the recliner. He'll seldom stand on his back legs (2-4 tilmes/week) but does jump up/off the couch often. I've actually picked him up and sat him on the floor to minimize that but sometimes he's off the couch in a heartbeat. I'm really thinking this has been a sprained muscle originally but, I'm still a bit concerned about the bunny hopping despite the x-rays.
Bunny hopping to me means both rear legs move together instead of one after the other. I've watched him run from me when I would throw treats and both of his back legs, as he runs, remind me of a bunny hopping/running. His gait while walking is totally normal-it's just when running he does this or goes up the stairs outside on the deck.
ok im a bit confused, this is epi's daddy posting, as i have read and understood what i was reading bunny hopping is the two legs moving as one. This being my mental picture Epi and her sister dog both bunny hop all the time at gaits a little faster thank a trot, in horse lingo a canter. Is this the case because we have seen no ill effects in either dog? Thanks for the attn.
Like a lot of other folks, I was also concerned when Charlie was a pup that he might have bad hips because of the "bunny hop" run. My mind was put at ease by going to YouTube and watching Corgi videos. Seems we would be hard-pressed to find a Corgi who does not bunny hop while running. Plus watching all those cute videos was quite entertaining! Lots of great videos here too. : - )


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