Cheez-it slept a good part of the day, he got up and immediately pee'd the biggest pee he has ever pee'd. It was my fault, I put him down for a second to get the leash. Anyway, We went out he did nothing and then we came inside and I kenneled him. So here is the problem.
He went to sleep for another 3 hours, You know as well as I that he has to eliminate. But it is raining. I took him outside and he just shakes and runs to the door and he is really very scared. I am almost afraid he will choke himself pulling the leash like that. He will NOT go in the rain. I helped him out there, he flips out and runs inside. No potty is happening like this.
I brought him in and he is dry and in his kennel, but he's going to pee any moment. What should I do? Need help fast!