Well Bella and the rest of us are moving to Miami next month, and I'm wondering what the difference will be with her in the heat. I took her to the dog park today and she looked like she was struggling... and it is only like 60. Is there any special or extra things I can do for her to make sure she is comfy, and doesn't get sick...like less time outdoors or breaks.

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I am under the impression that clipping too much hair can make the pooch hotter. They use the luxurious coat to shield them from the sun. I know it seems logical to shave your head for summer, but a pooch doesnt feel the same. Im not sure however about cutting it a little shorter??
The problem with trimming is that the undercoat will grow back quickly, but the shiny guard hairs of the top coat grow very, very slowly. The dog then ends up with little fluffy tufts of undercoat growing up through the top coat. It reduces the water resistance, insulating factors, and just doesn't look very attractive.

Patti -- Thanks for the clarification! You're right on the groomers. They are not vets, but they do know (or should) that they shouldn't clip double-coated dogs. They will do it, because for pet owners who insist on it, the groomer knows that if they don't do it, the groomer down the street will. Plus when the coat doesn't grow back right, the customer has to keep coming back in regularly...for life. Very interesting on the sunscreen for Luna's eyes!
Thanks for all the great advice everyone!


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