I was wondering if anyone has used both products and which worked better? I have the shed-ender but I think it may be worth investing in the furminator and with summer approaching puppy hair will be everywhere!
Does the furminator usually get out all the hair? How long does it take to brush your corgi? Do you have to stop and clean out the brush because it is too full with hair (thats how it is with the shed-ender)?

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i'm actually gonna go and pick up the furbuster at target. hopefully they have it in stock! i'll let you guys know how well it works. we'd really like to invest in the furminator but that thing is a little too expensive for us.
I had a shed-ender and then upgraded to the furminator. The shed-ender works well, but I do think the furminator is the better choice. The furminator seems to remove all of Zod's loose hair more quickly and he seems to like the feel of the furminator better than the shed-ender. I found that the furminator is more comfortable for me to hold while brushing and much more comfortable for my left-handed boyfriend to use since the shed-ender has a specific side that should be facing you.

I also use the furminator on my cat, who did not like the shed-ender one bit. He isn't crazy about the furminator, but he does at least TOLERATE it.
I also have a Shed Ender and a Furminator...the Shed Ender is a lot smaller and harder to use. The Furminator is much easier!


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