I was wondering what I should be expecting from Grover at 15 weeks of age. He knows Sit (with a treat, mostly, sometimes without). He knows Take It and Leave It. But that's about it. He's been on a couple of outings. And done great on the leash during these outings, but REFUSES to walk on the street when i try to take him out in our neighborhood. He has only had a few accidents inside, but doesn't really go to door when he needs to go out. He's more or less just "trip trained" rather than housebroken. I'm going to start him in puppy classes in the next week I think.
Am I expecting too much or too little of Grover? Should Grover have mastered the leash by now? Should he have completed a puppy class already? I think I just want to make sure he's where he's suppose to be!

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If you've never gone through a training class with a puppy/dog before, then PK or basic obedience is a great idea. They'll teach you how to train Grover on the basic skills, answer any specific behavior questions, and help put your mind at ease that you're doing a good job.

I mentioned on another thread about leash walking that Charlie and I did not start our neighborhood walks until he was 16 weeks old (too much risk of parvo/other diseases until he had all his puppy shots). We had worked a little on leash indoors or in the yard before 16 weeks, and quit whenever he lost interest. When we did start walking, it was one short block, then we kept adding a block every week or two until we were up to 2.5 miles a day. Grover should not be leash trained at 15 weeks...he's just starting. If you are teaching him not to pull you on leash (where you walk him instead of him walking you), it can take months of practice before he is consistent. Leash walking is a toughie...just have fun but don't let him pull. If he's not doing well or enjoying himself, go home and try again later or the next day.

You're doing great, and will enjoy puppy classes! : - )
Thanks Charile! That makes me feel better. He just sits when I put the leash on him and WILL NOT budge even an inch without a fight. So I'll just keep trying it in the backyard and when we go over friends houses and stuff.
I think you are doing just fine. If you have a friend that has a friendly dog it may work to walk with them. Pups get comfortable with a familiar environment and at times it is unnerving to leave. Most pups do better when in a totally unfamiliar area. Then YOU are the familiar territory so they wish to stay with you. Start your puppy class and enjoy him. I think you are right on track.
I have been taking Cheez-it for 1/4 mile trips around the block once (and one time twice) a day. He is very good on the leash, only stopping occasionally and slowly comes when I call him. Then he keeps up after getting near me until the next "stop". He is only a little over 9 weeks, should I stop walking him like this? We always stay on my property and there are no other dogs/animals on it. Should he be walking outside at all without finishing his shots?

BTW: To help him learn we walk and when he makes these "stops" I walk to the end of the leash and call him, and when he eventually came I gave him a treat and repeat, and not he stops less and less everytime unless he sees something intresting or has to pee.
I think you're doing awesome with Grover (who had an adorable name!) and that puppy class should also help a lot. Sometimes we're so hard on ourselves and set expectations for our pups very high. Just keep up what you're doing...Grover sounds like a CGC in the making! :)
Thanks guys! It's nuts how much I worry if I'm doing the right thing or not with him. My husband says I'm like a very protective new mother!
But I just want to be sure he's where he's suppose to be, ya know? He has his last shots on Monday and I can't wait to see how much he's grown in the last 3 weeks!!


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