im sorry for the delay on new pics of dollar and baden but i have been a very busy corgi mom stuffing as much socialization of new things that Baden would encounter through out his life and i very happy and proud to say that this boy is not afraid of a darn thing. he LOVES other dogs! every time he hears one he must go say hi. the other day we walked around an out door flea market and there was all sorts of farm animals. he went right up to a horse and laid down between its feet! he then went over to a goat to say hi and it charged at him (it was tied up) and he took a step back and then sat down with a wagging nub LOLi must say this little guy is really growing on our hearts:)

we went on a small hike and he really LOVED that! so did dollar as she loves to mark everything lol baden always had to look back to be sure i was keeping up as i like to take my time. he also got to go swimming too! he had a blast running up and down the lake as teddy did *(wiping tears away)* i got the perfect pic of him falling in though, his face says it all lol

an update on Dollar is not such a happy one. the previous owners before our breeder, use to abuse her so now any fast movement she runs and hides. she also has severe throat damage due to them using a choke chain. she must wear a harness for the rest of her life due to it :( she cant breath hardly and if she tries to breath through just her nose she grunts and snores, struggling for air and she always panting. if u use one i would invest in getting a martingale collar instead, it tightens but not enough to cause damage.

BUT i hope u all enjoy the pics! :D

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o ok sorry about that. not sure why either. when i noticed her breathing funny my first thought was maybe her nose passages were not developed right but my vet confirmed that they are normal

I have been thinking about it further.  There is an area of the throat that closes when you swallow to prevent food or liquids from getting into the lungs. I tried just pushing my tongue against the back of my palate, where this area is, and indeed I could not breathe through my nose!  So, I suspect that if she had scar tissue buildup, or other damage in this area, it would indeed affect how much air she can get in and out through the nose....   Poor girl, at least she has you now and it should not worsen.


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