Has anyone had issues with their puppies peeing in their crate? Did they outgrow it?

We've only had Bowie for a few days now and the first few days he was great...he didn't pee in his crate. Just yesterday he peed in his crate for the first time and did so later in the day. I am so worried! I've never had a dog that did this. I don't want him to get used to soiling his crate. We've done everything you are "supposed" to do. We limit his water intake, take him out every 2 hours. The crate is only big enough for him to turn around and stand up (we got a wire crate with a divider). Why is he doing this?
What should I do? So worried :(

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Keep up the good work, stick to the schedule, before you know it, he'll be 1 year old and fully potty trained :)

Sam, tell that to my 2 year old who peed on my rug last week :)


Keep up the good work, your pup is still a baby and it takes time :)


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