My 6 month old female pem has recently had 4 accidents. She has been great with potty training and hasn't had an accident for about a month before this. The first time she peed on the deck which she has never done and when I walked out she just gave me this look like "I didn't do it ma!" I didn't think much of it, sometimes she won't go down the stairs without us. But then we went to our obedience classes and she peed in the room! It's our fifth week going there and this is first accident. The trainer commented that another dog had gone there in the prior class. I mentioned she had gone on the deck earlier and she suggested getting a urine sample. (I doubt I could Carly would be like what are you doing!) So then this morning i took her out (she is crated) and when I was refilling her water I noticed she peed in her crate during the night. It was all the way in the corner (She does not have excess room in the crate). So I really don't know what to think. I'm calling my vet tomorrow but does this sound like something I should be concerned about?

Sorry this is really drawn out!

Thanks for the help!

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Your pup is still young, accidents are going to happen for awhile. Just when you think they have the hang of it they surprise you sometimes. I think its just a normal puppy phase nothing to worry about. How far apart are the accidents, not one right after the other? Do you pick up her water around 8:00 p.m., this could help with teaching her to hold it during the night, its very common to not let pups drink after a certain time during the night to help with training.
Most pups do relapse in their house breaking skills. It would be a rare pup that was totally clean before a year old. The other thing to keep in mind is that frequent urination could also be a sign of a bladder infection. If you notice she is going frequently it would be good to take a urine sample in to your vet.
I had similar problems with my female and it turned out she had a urinary infection. After a round of antibiotics, she stopped having accidents. You might want to go a head and take her in to the vet for a unine sample if you haven't already.

I hope all is well with her!
Ok, frustration here. My Daisy is six months old and we are not doing well. Problem is I work night shift, 12 hours. My schedule is very unpredictable-2-4 nights a week.So, crating is out of the question. So, I feel pretty guilty as part of the problem. Daytime I must sleep so she spends a good bit of time in the kitchen. We are in a condo, small courtyard. I put in a doggy door and no interest. She sometimes will potty in the courtyard but not regularly. She seems most consistent with the pads on the kitchen floor. Often she misses, but the intention is close by.

I know consistency is the key-should I just focus on the pads and not confuse her? That way when I am gone , she will still know she is a "good dog". And just hope her aim and memory will improve? Ideas? Thanks.
Carol, I had the same situation with Duncan when I got him. Worked 12 shifts, slept days. My husband worked nights also. (He would get attention first thing in the morning, later in the afternoon and then early eveining.) Duncan was closed up in a small area where he couldn't do any damage and had pads for when we were gone. He still has them in one spot in the house for when we are gone or it's raining too hard outside and he refuses to go out in the rain. I know a lot of people don't think house training and pads mix, but I have no problem with Duncan letting me know he wants to go outside to do his business. The pads are for just in case, which has come in handy when he has been ill with diarrhea. They have saved me many a messy cleanup.

But of course, the main question is about Liz's dog. I would get a urine sample and take it to the vet and have them check it out. Sounds like she could have a little problem, but then again, she is little.
Thanks everyone. She hasn't had any accidents since so everythings all clear!


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