Going from 1 dog to two is a big jump, but is so worth the effort.   So far we have had Tucker since March 6th and Tucker seems to be really comfortable here. They haven't played much since Sunday but Im sure in time that will change.


So far Lance is being dominant as I had suspected.  The behavior he displays while being dominant, is barking incessantly at whoever is near Tucker giving him attention.  He also is wanting to mount Tucker, we try to stop the behavior with a sound, ehhhh, before he has the chance.  Tucker seems to be submissive and is tolerating it. It seems with time Lance is getting more fixated on this, so how do we discourage this?  Im thinking its not a good idea to let him continue this even though Tuckers not protesting.  What would be the correct method of handling this? 


Lance is also showing jealousy by barking incessantly, how do we deal with that? 


How do we equally spend our time together while getting Tucker and Lance used to being in the same family?


How do we deal with them using their own crates and not wanting to go into each others? 

So far Tuckers been gated in the kitchen with the crate open and available to him as I dont think hes completely used to it yet, but did go into it the first night we had him. 


We do not have a fenced in yard, Lance is used to a lead, but with Tucker we walk him out with the leash.  Do we take them out seperately for potty time?


My oldest daughter wants to take Lance up to her room at night, while Tucker is downstairs, is this a bad idea.  She says he seems mad at her because when she goes to pet him, he backs away from her!! 


Ok, well i think this is enough questions for one discussion.  Thanks in advance for your help. 

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Thanks everyone for the responses, truly appreciate it!!

So, Lance and Tucker interacted the most today since Sunday, I took quite a few videos, I posted 8!!  The very last one they were running in a circle around the table playing so cute, but that video was too long to post here.  Unfortunately the videos turned out a bit blurry cause of the darkness, but at least I caught them interacting on video!



I got another rescue myself  acouple months ago- and we are still adjusting with 2 dogs,Toby and Chevy get along overall very well- but sometimes Toby gets sensitive when Chevy goes into my daughters room-- that is Toby's hang out with her[her baby-toby} Chevy is my new boy - they are both very sweet boys and both still adjusting as well - both my boys are rescues this last year- I had my first corgi for 10 years and he passed away last May- now we got the two boys.. But  I donot crate my boys- we did Toby for awhile when got him for potty reasons- but now  we donot -- so for the first week I would keep Chevy in the kitchen with the gate up and Toby would be on the otherside.. Both my boys have high anxiety and it is actually not safe for me to put them in crates- my vet said to just gate them in a room ..but at night now they  have run of the house but - Toby usually stays in my daughters room on his doggie bed in there and Chevy has his bed in my room and that is where they sleep. During the day though when we are at work they both stay in the kitchen with the gate up and they do great together , and we have a retired neighbor couple next door and they come over couple times aday to let them out and walk them- they love the boys alot . But is fun to have 2 corgis-- good luck....

Here is a video of Tucker and Lance playing tonight!! 



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