We use Advantage Multi b/c it covers adult fleas and is effective at preventing heartworm disease. It also controls hookworm, roundworm and whipworm. However, we have to apply it topically which can be difficult because it seems to run down his back and get trapped in his fur. I guess it's eventually getting absorbed into his system but I was wondering if an oral flea treatment would work better? I've noticed Stanley starts to itch towards the end of his 30 days on the treatment but this time, it's only seemed to last about 3 weeks. So maybe oral would be longer lasting? But aren't most of the oral tablets to cover fleas only? What would I do about preventing heartworms, etc? Do ya'll use two different products?


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Here are several combos that I use

normal days: sentinel

light flea days : sentinel + capstar + bath

heavy fleas infestation days: sentinel + comfortis + bath + evacuation + fogger in the house
Sam's protocol is spot on.

Usually, I would go with the light flea day option because Capstar only works for a few days, which I like because it gets my dogs flea-free AND ensures that the medicine will not be in their bloodstream for too long. Right now, though, my area has gotten a ton of rain and the fleas have come out in such masses that my poor dogs are being eaten alive. I sprinkled food grade diatomaceous earth on them plus I started giving them brewer's yeast and garlic tabs but I did not start the regimen fast enough for it be be effecitve. Thus, I've gotten a 3-month prescription for comfortis to rid the ones on my dogs and will use a fogger to obliterate the ones in the house.

After that, I'm hoping that I can just give my dogs Brewers Yeast and Garlic tabs to keep the fleas at bay.

This is war...and I plan on winning. :-)
I use Comfortis + Interceptor for my kids :)
It lasts about 5weeks! It's so easy and no greasy/stinky mess!
I have the same problem with Freya. I notice it stops working towards the end of the 30 days. I thought it was just my imagination. What's comfortis? I never heard of that.
We use Advantage and Advantix. If I understand correctly, it does not get absorbed much through the skin, but wicks its way all through the fur. ???? Not sure.
I believe you're supposed to part the hair and apply it directly to the skin, not the hair. I wear nitrile gloves for this, and try not to spend quite so much time with my face in the dogs' ruffs for awhile.

I would think twice about such stuff if we had young children at home, they presumably being much more vulnerable to unintended consequences of these insecticides.
We only use Advantix when we go to the east side of the Cascade mountains (dry, warm ticks).
We once got excellent results from FleaBusters back when we had 1 cat -- they dust the carpets and furniture with polyborate salts (borax, essentially) which dehydrates the fleas. It was guaranteed for a year, and seemed to last for several.
I know nothing of heartworm, it's rare in Washington (we're in Seattle).


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