I have posted on here before about breeders who don't dock. It has been VERY helpful. I am still on the hunt for that. Preferably west coast.

This time I am posting more specifically -  Does anyone know or can recommend a breeder who is conscious about health and temperament but would be interested in not docking several puppies from a litter? --I'd like to have some choice in personality, or have them choose. I am not necessarily looking for somebody registered to the canine clubs because I know undocked is not a breed standard. So I am looking for a smart breeder with heart, not a registered one specifically.

I am going to simply POP if I don't have a dog by December, I will be doing rescue of some kind if I dont find my dream dog of a puppy pem with a tail.

Are there any of you that would very seriously be interested in bringing an undocked pembroke puppy into your homes soon? My thoughts being if there are several truly serious people involved there is far less risk for the breeder in not docking their pups.

Feel free to message me personally as well with any names you suggest I pitch the idea too. I know it's a long shot but I have my heart set.

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Have you talked to Jane Christensen? She does not dock any of her puppies but she is in MN. 

You can try this approach:

Pembrokes with tails

glorious :)


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